- 一种基于能量最小化的图像分割算法,相关论文曾经获得最佳论文奖。(用winrar解压)-based on the minimum energy of image segmentation algorithm, the relevant papers had best paper award. (Using WinRAR decompression)
- (1)显示本地天气情况; (2)提供实时查询国内城市天气功能; (3)能进行实时更新天气,如默认每三小时 进行更新一次; (3)显示日期(今明) (4)最低能提供两天的天气预报; (5)自行设定更新时间和界面透明度。 -(1) shows the local weather conditions (2) to provide real-time query function of the domestic urban weather (3) real-time upd
- fmincon函数的应用实例,求最小能量-fmincon function of the application instance, find the minimum energy
- 蚂蚁优化蛋白质序列,找到蛋白质序列的能量函数的最小值-Ant colony optimization for protein sequences, protein sequences to find the minimum energy function
- 针对目标与背景两类图像模式识别问题,在已有的特征选择方法基础上,提出了一种新颖的基于免疫分子编码机理的图像特征选择方法(IACA). 该方法借鉴生物免疫系统的抗体分 子编码机理,在对样本进行参数估计情况下,提出熵度量单个特征对于目标和背景的识别敏感度 从集合的角度研究并且定义了特征之间的包含和互补关系 并且基于组成抗体分子氨基酸结合能量最小原则,提出了关于图像目标的免疫抗体构建规则 最终实现了寻找最优特征子集的算法IACA ,该特征子集的维数通过算法自动获得无需人为设定,选择结果为目标的“免
- 一种基于动态路径损耗指数的最小能耗中继路由 (Dynamic Minimum Energy Relay Routing,DMERR)算法,该算法能够获取巷道内各处准确的路径损耗指数,准确计算巷道内每处的最佳通讯距离,从而节省通信能量。-the Minimum Energy Relay Routing (DMERR) algorithm which is based on dynamic path loss parameter is proposed, this algorithm can sav
- 基于能量最小原理计算脊椎受力和形状的matlab程序。我自己编写的。-Calculated based on the principle of minimum energy shape of the spine by the force and matlab process. I have written.
- 阿尔茨海默病目前在临床上的诊断标准就是判断是否发生了海马体积上变异,该病的程度与海马体积的萎缩量有着密切的关系。 分水岭算法最大的缺陷是过分割问题比较严重,利用分水线处能量值最小的理论,可以调整分水岭算法获得的轮廓,限制过分割。 -Alzheimer' s disease currently in clinical diagnostic criteria is to determine whether the mutation occurred on hippocampal vo
- 一个线性预测的matlab仿真程序,先用模型生成原始信号(平稳随机过程),然后利用最小均方误差准则计算出预测系数,最后利用预测系数对原始信号进行预测(利用原始信号过去n个时刻的值预测当前时刻的值)。-This is a matlab program for linear prediction. First, we use all-pole model to generate a signal(stationary signal), then utilize the Minimum Mean-S
- 本文介绍了一种在保证网络QOS需求(传输率)的前提下,对节点进行动态能量分配的中继选择算法。通过这种能量分配,减少了总的能量消耗,可以延长整个网络的生命周期。-For a given quality of service (QoS) requirement such as transmission rate between the source and the destination, relay nodes have an adaptive power control scheme
- 为了执行的立体视差估计算法的区域匹配方法由全局最小的平滑误差能量函数-To the implementation of the disparity estimation algorithm area matching the global minimum energy function of the smoothing error
- 在图像处理中,有些图像既没有明显的边缘,也缺乏明显的纹理特征,传统的分割方法及GAC模型将难以成功实现图像分割。于是提出了C-V模型,其基本思想与传统的基于区域的图像分割方法是一致的:都是根据能量最小原则。 -Image processing, some of the images is neither obvious edge, but also the lack of obvious texture features, the traditional method of segmenta
- matlab code for minimum energy point at particular vdd suply this is contour code.-matlab code for minimum energy point at particular vdd suply this is contour code.
- A combining breadth-first search (BFS) or depth-first search (DFS) with aware range to find minimum connected dominating set A backbone in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) reduces the communication overhead, increases the bandwidth efficiency, de
- 移动机器人路径规划是机器人学的一个重要研究领域。它要求机器人依据某个或某些优化原则(如最小能量消耗,最短行走路线,最短行走时间等),在其工作空间中找到一条从起始状态到目标状态的能避开障碍物的最优路径,本代码应用蚁群算法来解决这个问题!-Mobile robot path planning is an important research field of robotics. It requires one or some of the robot based on the principle o
- —In this paper, an energy-efficient optimal relay selection strategy which is jointly optimized with the energy- efficient optimal power allocation solution for AF cooperative transmission is proposed. The relay selection criterion is the dis
- 使用连续曲线来表达目标边缘,并定义一个能量泛函使得其自变量包括边缘曲线,因此分割过程就转变为求解能量泛函的最小值的过程,一般可通过求解函数对应的欧拉(Euler.Lagrange)方程来实现,能量达到最小时的曲线位置就是目标的轮廓所在。-Continuous curve to express goal edge, and define an energy functional so that its arguments including edge curve, so segmentation
- 可生成从任意点发射攻击全球任意点的一条最小能量弹道,并确定关机点参数。-Can generate a minimum energy trajectory launch attacks from any point to any point worldwide, and to determine the shutdown point parameters.
- Abstract—We propose two novel energy-aware routing algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks, called reliable minimum energy cost routing (RMECR) and reliable minimum energy routing (RMER). RMECR addresses three important requirements of ad hoc netwo
Find minimum energy fcc configuration
- lammps源文件,可以实现计算面心立方晶格的最低能量(find minimum energy fcc configuration)