- 应用多种滤波器进行处理:算术均值,几何 均值,谐波均值,逆谐波均值,中值滤波, 中点滤波,最大值、最小值滤波等,To deal with a variety of filter applications: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, inverse harmonic mean, median filter, the mid-point filtering, maximum, minimum filtering
- 本程序利用空间邻域平均法和中值,最大值以及最小值滤波法对一幅二值图像进行平滑操作,通过仿真可以比较不同算法之间的差别。-The program uses space neighborhood average and median, maximum and minimum filtering method for a binary image smoothing operation, the simulation can compare the differences between the di
- % y=filter(sig,fmin,fmax) % 对信号进行理想滤波,可完成低通,带通 % sig为被滤波信号 % fmin为下限频率,当fmin为0时为低通滤波器,当fmin>0时,为带通滤波器 % fmax为上限频率,fmax>fmin % fs为信号的采样频率 % y为经过滤波后的信号 -% Y = filter (sig, fmin, fmax)% of the ideal signal filtering, to be com
- 应用多种滤波器进行处理:算术均值,几何 均值,谐波均值,逆谐波均值,中值滤波, 中点滤波,最大值、最小值滤波等-To deal with a variety of filter applications: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, inverse harmonic mean, median filter, the mid-point filtering, maximum, minimum filtering
- 在图像利用M*N的窗 运行2维最大滤波器 在图像利用M*N的窗 运行2维最小滤波器 -performs two-dimensional maximum filtering on the image X using an M-by-N window. performs the 1D max/min filtering of the row vector X using a N-length filter. performs two-dimensional minimum filtering
- Minimum Filtering for Noise Reduction
- 本文是关于最大值和最小值滤波的算法,简单的介绍了算法,并做了一些改进。-This article is about the maximum and minimum filtering algorithm, a simple algorithm is introduced, and made some improvements.
- 根据加噪声的音乐信号,设计合适的滤波器,对原有信号进行滤波,去除噪声,实现滤波功能。-According to the signal plus noise music, design the appropriate filter, the original signal is filtered to remove noise, the filtering function.
- 基于matlab的关于图像处理的中值滤波与最小值滤波。-Based on the matlab for image processing, median filtering and the minimum filtering.
- 自适应滤波算法(最小均方误差算法)matlab源码程序-Adaptive filtering algorithm Matlab source program (minimum mean square error algorithm)
- 基于最少方差算法的电流50次谐波的Matlab的M文件程序,用于谐波分析-Current is 50 times harmonic based on minimum variance algorithm Matlab M file, used for harmonic analysis
- 用C++语言写的图像过滤,实现了中值过滤、最大值最小值过滤、均值过滤等,扩展性较好,能实现不同通道-With C++ language image filtering, to achieve a median filtering, maximum minimum filtering, mean filtering, scalability, better able to achieve different channels
- 首先生成如下形式的图片:图中的白条为7象素宽,210象素高,白条间的宽度为17象素。 应用多种滤波器进行处理:算术均值,几何均值,谐波均值,逆谐波均值,中值滤波,中点滤波,最大值、最小值滤波等。注意,需改变模板大小。详细比较上述的结果,并分析原因。 -First generation following form images: figure IOUs 7 pixels wide, 210 pixels high, the width is 17 pixels between IOUs.
- 这是一个复杂度为O(1)的最小滤波方法,文中思想实现后,计算速度快,可以减少程序运行时间。-This is a complexity of O (1) the minimum filtering method, later in ideology, calculation speed, can reduce the running time of the program.
- 采用直方图求中值的高效中值滤波算法。使用滑动窗口的技术加快程序执行速度。变化阈值及方法即可生成最大值、最小值滤波算法。-Using a histogram of the values in seeking efficient median filtering algorithm. Use technology to accelerate the sliding window program execution speed. Change threshold and t
- 信号在采集和输送过程中往往会参杂着噪声和干扰,将自适应神经网络与信号处理结合起来,采用最小均方(LSM)算法设计的线性自适应滤波器将信号中的杂波成分滤除。用matlab进行仿真,证实线性自适应滤波器具有良好的滤波功能。-Signal acquisition and delivery process often mingled with the noise and interference, the adaptive neural network combined with signal proc
- OpenCV、空域滤波器(中值,均值,最大最小值...)-This code is designed for space filter and it is derived Digital Image Processing Matlab edition in page117 it has ArithmeticM_Filter for Arithmetic Mean Filtering GeometricM_Filter for Geometric Mean Filtering H
- 有源码,适合学习C++的人 一、 读入一幅灰度图象,编写程序显示图象中任一象素点的灰度值。 二、 编程实现RGB彩色空间到HSV彩色空间的转换,并通过调整H、S、V的值实现图像亮度、色度和色饱和度的调节。 三、 1.灰度线性变换、分段线性变换 2.灰度直方图均衡、规格化 3.图象卷积:各种模板实现低通、高通滤波 4.图象中值滤波、最大值滤波、最小值滤波、模板选择滤波 5.伪彩色图象增强 四、 1.图象的加、减、乘、除和逻辑运算。 2.图象的镜像变换、图象的缩放
- [defog.zip] - 里边有除雾的matlab代码以及C++程序,用到了部分opencv函数。 包括以下程序:boxfilter(方框滤波),guidedfilter(导向滤波),minfilt2(最大最小值滤波),cumsum(累积和函数),maxValue(最大值)。运行代码可实现去雾效果。-[Defog.zip]- inside a defogging matlab code and C++ procedure, we used some of the opencv functi
- 用最大值滤波和最小值滤波,对胡椒噪声和盐噪声进行去噪(Denoising of salt and pepper noise using maximum and minimum filtering)