- Performance of AODV Routing Protocol using Group and Entity Mobility Models in Wireless Sensor Networks. S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Shaila K, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik
- opnet mobility simulation models
- Matlab Codes to generate and simulate mobility models : - Way point mobility models are enclosed in the way point mobility model RAR file. Codes are written in Matlab
- 用matlab软件做的汉诺塔游戏的基本演示,里面做的是5个方片的移动模型-Tower of Hanoi with matlab software to do basic game demo, which do is five square piece of mobility models
- this book is related to bonnmotion which is an API of NS2 simulator.Bonnmotion is mobility generator API of ns2. using this API six type of mobility models can be simulated. steps of installation of this API are also explained in detail. each mobilit
- 里面包含九种NS下实现的移动模型代码,例如RWP,RW,RPGM等。还有模型的参考文献。-Mobile model code which contains nine NS under implementation, such as RWP, RW, RPGM so on. There are reference models.
- naxtnano的应用范围包括量子阱,量子线,量子点,纳米线,纳米微晶体,量子级联激光器 (QCL),共振隧穿二极管(RTD),高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT),Nano-MOSFETs, LEDs,激光器(e.g. VCSEL),高效太阳能板,有机半导体,离子敏场效应管(ISFET)以及 石墨烯,“应变硅,“低含氮化合物”等新型材料。是一款集合了k.p方法、自洽求解泊松-薛定谔方程等物理模型与一体的半导体光电子行业软件。-naxtnano range of applications
Random Mobility Model
- this code simulate random mobility models, random way point, random direction and random walk, data that produced from this code can be used to calculate node density, connectivity and moving area graphs, and any other needed data that can be generat
- Simulating V2V and V2I connectivity in Matlab using car following, lane changing models and entry and exit ramps on a 4-Highways, 3-Ramps scenario