- 蒙特卡罗 课件ppt 好东西哦 monte carlo方法pdf
- 北大于江生教授有关蒙特卡洛方法和马尔科夫链的两个PPT(PDF格式):An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning、Monte Carlo统计方法。共396页-Peking University Professor Yu Jiangsheng on Markov chain Monte Carlo method and the two PPT (PDF format): An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learn
- Monte carlo simulation example for generation of rndom numbers. This excel file is producing random numbers acording to monte carlo theory and presents analytically the results
- Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods.pdf
- 网上图书系统 图书管理、借出登记、归还登记-Geometric Level Set Methods in Imaging,Vision and Graphics- Osher, Paragios(Springer 2003).pdf Image Analysis,Random Fields and Dynamic Monte Carlo Methods-Winkler(Springer).pdf Level Set and Dynamic Implicit Surfaces- Osher,
- descr iption of monte carlo methods
- 提供一个cell-weraging constant false alarm rate (CA-CFAR)的算法,基于信号检测的方法。-We present a method for evaluating the performance of cell-weraging constant false alarm rate (CA-CFAR) processors which use the anplitude of echo signals rather than their squ
- 该资料是一个matlab仿真程序。实现对噪声中正弦信号相位的估计。利用matlab仿真得到的PDF估计 对不同的信噪比(SNR)情况进行Monte Carlo仿真-This information is a matlab simulation program. Realize sine signal phase noise estimation. Obtained by simulation using matlab PDF estimates different signal to nois
- 蒙特卡罗模拟光在复杂多层介质中的传播,反射,吸收等等,附对程序的详细pdf介绍。-Monte Carlo simulation of light propagation in complex multi-media, reflection, absorption, etc., with a detailed pdf program introduction.
- 基于蒙特卡洛方法的验证中心极限定理的程序,本程序使用16807随机数产生器,附带pdf描述程序用途。-Monte Carlo method based authentication center limit theorem program, this program uses a random number generator 16807, with pdf descr iption of the program uses.
- matlab 实现的MCMC算法 马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛模拟的matlab源代码-MCMC MCMC Markov Chain Monte Carlo Tools Copyright (c) 1998, Harvard University. Full copyright in the file Copyright There are three parts to this library of routines. 1.*[rnd,pdf,lpr].m-