- 功能介绍: 支持站长管理(删除、修改、回复) 支持邮件发送 支持数据库加密码 留言含邮箱、主页、QQ、MSN、来自、邮件提示、IP获取、回复等功能 初始用户:admin 密码:admin -functional presentations : support the station management (delete, modify, back) support spammers support database password-mail messages, home page, QQ, M
- MSN解密软件,能解密,好不错呀,挺不错的,真的,呵呵。MSN Messenger7.0 Password Decrypter for Windows XP & 2003-MSN decryption software that can decrypt good good game, very good, really, huh. Password Decrypter MSN Messenger 7.0 for Windows XP 2003
- 以C#完成msn到jabber的transport, The MSN client talks via SOCKS 5, to the MSN2Jabber server. This can then relay to any Jabber server, independent of which MSN2Jabber server you are connected to. The Jabber server is taken from the passport login
- 网路上下载档案有时候会遇到流量管制系统,到了一定的时间才能去取得下载点。此程式是我用C#写成,能够定时提醒用户时间到了,并出现类似msn有联络人上线的提示框,点击提示框就自动打开目标网页,复制密码等功能: http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/5485/bct0lj.png-download files on the Internet sometimes encountered traffic control system, at a certain time t
- msnspy,可以后台捕获MSN用户名密码的程序,采用钩子实现,中文注释很详细,适合看源码研究。-msnspy, background capture MSN users Password procedures used to achieve the hook, Chinese translations very detailed look at the source code for research.
- A tool to crack the MSN or ICQ when you forgot password.(Trial Version)-A tool to crack the MSN or ICQ when you forgot password. (Trial Version)
- 1.本系统界面友好,容易操作。 2.本系统用于挂机,可以用于网吧游戏挂机锁住屏幕。 3.本系统能显示开始挂机时间和挂机所用时间。 4.本系统最大的特点是可以用屏幕键盘输入密码和隐藏窗口(类似QQ)。 5.本系统是通过修改注册表来禁止任务管理器的,不过系统退出会还原注册表。 下一版本改为远程注入来禁止任务管理器。 6.本系统还禁止了系统热键,任务条,开始键等。 7.本系统使用了不少技巧,其中参考了不少人的代码,这里不一一致谢,如有 问题,或者你有什么意见或建议,
- * MSN Messenger Password Decrypter for Windows XP & 2003 * (Compiled-VC++ 7.0, tested on WinXP SP2, MSN Messenger 7.0)
- MSN本机密码管理软件,将MSN设置成自动登录,可以获取MSN的密码-MSN password management software, this machine will be set to automatically log on MSN, you can obtain the password for MSN
- Universal IM History Decoder 是一个用于聊天工具的聊天记录解码器,能够解码包括MSN、ICQ等在内的聊天工具,并可以将解码文件导出为文本格式加以保存,可以导出的信息包括密码口令、用户信息、聊天记录等-Universal IM History Decoder is a tool used to chat chats decoder can decode, including MSN, ICQ chat, including tools and decode files
- 通过钩子捕捉MSN的密码。通过Findwindow找到MSN的窗体,然后通过FindWindowEX找到自窗体的输入框接着捕捉按键。-Through the hook to capture MSN password. FindWindow found through the MSN form, and then through the FindWindowEx to find form since the input box and then capture button.
- Functions: Topic parsing, supporting multi-commands Anti-Botkiller Anti-Sandbox VNC-Scanner Gets about 400-500 results a day with good ranges with around ~50 bots Finds 3.8 servers with authbypass bug. Finds passworded servers with w
- 安装和使用:解压,把mymsn.mdf文件附加到MS SQL Server中,打开mymsn.sln,修改dbconnection字符串中的数据库地址、用户名和密码,然后运行便可。 你可以尝试申请多一个账户,专门用来登录做机器人,自己的则用来测算该机器人。机器人登录后,可以点击“show online contact”按钮,会显示在线人员,双击之,便可。 -To install and use: unzip, put mymsn.mdf document appended to
- msn robot,修改IMRobot.Manager.exe.config connectstring为连接字符串 account password为机器人的msn账号和密码 enablenotify表示是否打开自动发通知的功能(从notice表读取)
- msn password recovery
- discover msn password
- msn password hacking
- Protected Storage This program wil reveal Outlook Passwords, Deleted Outlook Account passwords, IE:Password-Protected sites passwords, MSN Explorer Signup passwords, IE AutoComplete Passwords, IE Auto Complete Fields , and in 9x it will show the ca
- This a MSN stealer test code my me, i tested on xp sp 3.He just take the password, decrypt them end store to txt file. I hope i will get promotion for downloading because i need to see some codes very bad.-This is a MSN stealer test code my me, i tes
- 守护本机MSN密码登陆,增加MSN安全,守护本机安全-Guardian of the machine to increase the safety of MSN MSN password, the guardian of the safety of the machine