- 利用VC++和opengl来绘制立体图形,采用顶点数组和面的法向量来构造。-Using VC++ and opengl to draw the three-dimensional graphics, using vertex arrays and the surface normal vector to construct.
- 一篇文章,讲述如何基于三角片法矢调整计算三角网格模型的光顺性-An article on how to adjust based on calculation of normal vector of triangles triangular mesh model of smoothness
- 感知器 算法训练二元线性分类器。结构体数据使用感知器学习规则 找到给定的二分类标签数据超平面。 -PERCEPTRON Perceptron algorithm to train binary linear classifier. Synopsis: model = perceptron(data) model = perceptron(data,options) model = perceptron(data,options,init
- vc opengl 模型绘图, 求出所有网格点的法向量,光照-vc opengl drawing models, find all the grid points of the normal vector, light
- 已知多组平面上的点及法向量,确定三维立体模型。-Known groups of points in the plane and the normal vector to determine the three-dimensional model.
- 计算过空间三点的圆的的半径及法矢量:用户输入空间三个点的三维坐标,自动计算出通过该三点的圆的半径、圆心坐标以及法矢量-The Computation of the radus and normal vector of the circle passing three 3D point
- 载入兔子模型,对定点的法线向量的求法有详细的步骤讲解!-Loading rabbit model, on the point of the normal vector of a detailed steps on the!
- 体用一个计算法线向量的PDF文档,有助于对3D绘图的帮助,希望对大家有用。-Body with a PDF document to calculate the normal vector, help with the help of 3D graphics, and the hope that useful.
- Another advantage is that geometric properties of the curve are easily determined from a particular level set of the surface . For example, the normal vector for any point on the curve C is given by:
- Another advantage is that geometric properties of the curve are easily determined from a particular level set of the surface . For example, the normal vector for any point on the curve C is given by:
- Another advantage is that geometric properties of the curve are easily determined from a particular level set of the surface . For example, the normal vector for any point on the curve C is given by:
- Another advantage is that geometric properties of the curve are easily determined from a particular level set of the surface . For example, the normal vector for any point on the curve C is given by:
- 用MATLAB编写的基于有限体积法求解二维浅水方程边界数值通量的Riemann求解器(HLL格式),可处理干河床问题,适用于规则网格及不规则网格,只需提供边界左右两侧的水深和流速以及外法线矢量-Written using MATLAB numerical flux based on the finite volume method for solving the two-dimensional shallow water equations boundary Riemann solver (HL
- Android平板电脑开发实战详解和典型案例——光盘源码 此书出版时间:2013-02-01 从Android 2.0趣味特性、Android 4.0新特性的基础知识到完整综合案例,由浅入深,循序渐进地进行了详解,既适合Android 4.0初学者学习,也适合有一定基础的读者进一步提升之用。 第9章 3D应用开发基础 9.1 OpenGL及OpenGL ES简介 9.2 3D基本知识 9.3 旧约——OpenGL ES 1.x 9.3.1 OpenGL E
- 用于点云表面重建,基于Poisson重建算法,生成.ply文件,需要先求取点云法向量。-For point cloud surface reconstruction, reconstruction algorithm based on Poisson generate. Ply files, you need to strike a point cloud normal vector.
- 构建三角化网格,并画出每个三角面的法向量的方法-Building triangulation and draw the normal vector of each triangle
- b样条曲线求解过程及其法矢方向的求取,上传共享一下(B spline curve solving process and its normal vector direction, and upload to share)
- 构建三角化网格,并画出每个三角面的法向量的方法(Building triangulation and draw the normal vector of each triangle)
- 用经典的pca k邻域方法估计点云法向量的程序,带有matlab gui,使用matlab 2016b编译运行成功,输入点云最好为列向量的txt文件,gui中内置了点云显示模块以及生成的点云法向量显示,并且可以输出法向量到txt文件中。(The program of estimating point cloud vector with the classical PCA K neighborhood method, with Matlab GUI, uses MATLAB 2016b to co
- 通过构建四叉树,通过邻域搜索方法计算点云中每个点的法向量并进行展示(By constructing quadtree, the normal vector of each point in the point cloud was calculated and displayed by neighborhood search method)