- matlab codes for solving ODEs, including euler method, RK methods etc, and some examples.
- 间断有限元法程序,用间断有限元法求解各种偏微分方程-discontinuous galerkin method codes,for solving different kinds of ODE
- 荣格库塔法解微分方程组,比matlab自带的ode求解命令更准确,误差更少-Rong-Kutta method for solving differential equations group' s ode to solve than the matlab command comes more accurate, less error
- 基于龙格库塔算法的矩阵微分方程组求解子程序-Runge-Kutta algorithm based on the matrix differential equation solving subroutine
- ! 2 ! HOMPACK90 is a suite of FORTRAN 90 subroutines for solving nonlinear 3 ! systems of equations by homotopy methods. There are subroutines for 4 ! fixed point, zero finding, and general homotopy curve tracking problems, 5 ! utilizing
- Differential Equations (ODE) Solver through Galerkin Method Galerkin方法求解常微分方程组的实现 这个matlab程序通过Galerkin方法求解常微分方程组,当然求解的结果是 Differential Equations (ODE)近似的解。-Differential Equations (ODE) Solver through Galerkin Method Galerkin method for
- This file conclude of five codes , four of them in Mathematica program and one in C++. 1. Erk4.nb. this code represent the explicit Runge Kutta method of order four for solving first order ODE. 2. RK45.nb This code represent the Embedded Runge Ku
- 常微分方程求解,主要为拉格朗日插值,比较简单,适合初学者学习使用-Solving ordinary differential equations, mainly for Lagrange interpolation, is relatively simple, suitable for beginners to learn to use
- MATLAB求解ODE方程,里面的WORD文档详细介绍了各文件的作用-MATLAB ODE solving equations, the WORD document which details the role of each document is also loaded.
- 基于matlab编程,给定几对初值,利用ode求解奔月的轨道示意图-Matlab-based programming, given a few of the initial value, the use of ODE solving flying to the moon orbit diagram
- heuns method for solving ode
- 常微分方程的数值解法:四阶龙格-库塔方法的算法,相应的函数子程序,解决实际问题-Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: algorithm of the fourth-order runge-kutta method , the corresponding function subroutine, solving practical problems with the method
- 详细介绍了matlab中的ODE函数求解偏微分方程组的各种方法,附带示例,适合初学者学习。-Details of the ODE function matlab various methods for solving partial differential equations, with examples, for beginners to learn.
- 该程序包包含五个代码,均用matlab编写,内容分别是混沌动力系统中,logistics函数随参数a变化周期收敛图像;以及seidel,jacobi两种迭代法求解线性方程组;以及常微分方程求解乒乓球运动轨迹;以及用newton向后插值法估计lnx函数值的源文件。-This package contains five codes are written in matlab, the contents are chaotic dynamical systems, logistics function
- 四阶龙格-库塔(Runge-Kutta)方法是一种在工程上应用广泛的高精度单步算法。本程序为4阶龙格-库塔法的matlab文件,用于 和系统ODE函数对比求解微分方程。-Runge- Kutta (Runge-Kutta) method is a widely used in engineering high-precision single-step algorithm. The procedure for the fourth-order Runge- Kutta method matlab
- (单步和多步)数值方法求解一阶常微分方程。 方法包括: 1.欧拉方法 2.修的方法 3.四阶龙格库塔方法 4.Adams-Bashforth方法 5.Adams-Moulton方法-Numerical Methods (single step and multi step) for solving First Order Ordinary Differential Equations. Methods included: 1. Euler s Method
- solving of an ordinary differential eq un matlab
ode with matlab
- L. F. Shampine, I. Gladwell, S. Thompson-Solving ODEs with MATLAB-Cambridge University Press (2003)
- 常微分方程数值解法:欧拉法,并将其应用于自由落体问题(here is the matlab code for solving the ordinary differential equation by using the Eular method. besides, the author also gave an example for testing.)
Solving DDEs with Matlab
- 利用matlab求解时滞微分方程。常微分方程(ODE)和延迟微分方程(DDE)被用来描述许多有趣的现象。 虽然ODE包含依赖于自变量(“时间”)的当前值的解决方案的衍生物,但DDE还包含衍生物,其依赖于前一时间的解决方案。 在整个科学模型中出现了DDE [1]。 尽管ODE和DDE之间存在明显的相似性,但DDE问题的解决方案可能与ODE问题的解决方案在几个引人注目的重要方面存在差异[2] [20]。 这部分是因为缺乏用于解决DDE的通用软件。(Solving Delay Differential