- OpenCV入门书籍,很好的学习资料,电子版-OpenCV 是英特尔? 开源计算机视觉库。它由一系列 C 函数和少量 C++ 类构成,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。 OpenCV 是一个跨平台的中、高层 API 构成,目前包括 300 多个 C 函数。它不依赖与其它的外部库,尽管也可以使用某些外部库。 OpenCV 对非商业用途和商业用途都是免费的
- 算法仿真:论文《Image Inpaiting by Patch Propagation Using Patch Sparsity》中提出的图像修复算法的; 1)使用了OpenCV2.2.0开源机器视觉库,IDE为VS2010 2)设置系统环境变量OPENCV_DIR为OpenCV的安装路径,如C:\OpenCV2.2;VS2010属性页文件依赖于此环境变量,在Path中添加C:\OpenCV2.2\bin,更具体的环境配置可以查看OpenCV相关手册设置属性页文件或Email:zhen
- 从视频文件中截取一段并保存,依赖OpenCV库。-From the interception of a video file and save rely OpenCV library.
- OCR-Demo V1.0 支持5种语言:英文,简体中文,繁体中文,中英混排,日文,韩文的OCR识别。 识别图像只支持bmp格式,整个项目不依赖opencv等第三方开源库。 目前有各类版本的开放SDK可以提供,SDK可输出的基本信息有每个字符的识别信息,坐标信息,候选字符信息,置信度信息等等。如需要深度定制,欢迎来邮件合作。 联系QQ:1045429023 联系邮箱:mobilevision@126.com 联系人:李君-OCR-Demo V1.0
- sift算法的c实现,依赖opencv,但不复杂,有步骤有讲解,适合正在学习sift算法的同道者。vs08/10,需配置opencv库。-c achieve sift algorithm relies opencv, but not complicated, there are steps have to explain, suitable for studying fellow who sift algorithm.
- canny算子的c++写法,不依赖opencv的库函数,对图像的存储释放都包含在内-canny operator c++ writing, opencv library functions do not rely on memory to release images are included
- 免费、高性能的人脸检测库.这个库比OpenCV自带的人脸检测强大一个数量级!纯C语言生成的二进制库,不依赖任何其他的库。接口更简洁,就一个函数。-Free, high-performance face detection library. This library than OpenCV face detection comes a powerful magnitude! Pure C language generated binaries, do not rely on any other l
- 嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(atk)。-Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(atk) that are dependent on the g
- 嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(cario)。-Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(cario) that are dependent on t
- 嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(DirectFB)。-Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(DirectFB) that are dependen
- 嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(expat)。-Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(expat) that are dependent on
- 嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(fontconfig)。-Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(fontconfig) that are depe
- 嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(freetype)。-Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(freetype) that are dependen
- 嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(glib)。-Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(glib) that are dependent on the
- opencv显示汉字;已经把freeType依赖库放了进去-Opencv display Chinese characters, has been put into the freeType dependent Libraries
- 通过orb算法实现opencv的stitching.使用的是opencv3.0版本,需要自己下载依赖库-Opencv realized by orb of stitching algorithm using opencv3.0 version, you need to download dependent libraries
- ippicv for windows.OpenCV编译依赖库(Ippicv for windows.OpenCV3 dependency Library)
- opencv中依赖的ippicv和ffmpeg动态链接库,cmake使用(The ippicv and ffmpeg dynamic link libraries that depend on OpenCV are used by cmake)
- 交叉编译opencv时需要用到的依赖库,里面的格式为.bz2(Dependency library needed for cross compiling opencv)
- opencv依赖库,交叉编译opencv库时需要用到(Opencv dependency library, cross compile opencv library need to use)