- 中科院自动化所自由软件学会于任棋讲解的使用opencv进行图像处理的课件和源码。其中包括opencv图像结构、矩阵结构、点结构简介,以及图像I/O,边缘检测,轮廓检测,背景建模等。-free software to automate the process of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of the game on the use opencv for Image Processing Software and the source.
- Canny边缘检测 Wikipedia,自由的百科全书 来自于仕琪的讲稿《使用OpenCV进行图像处理》中的例程 -Canny edge detection From free encyclopedia from Shiqi scr ipt "OpenCV use image processing," the routines
- opencv c++将彩色图像转换为灰度图像进行边缘检测,,opencv c++ to convert color images to gray-scale image edge detection,
- 模式识别大作业题目和实习代码: (1)请自己在互联网上任意找一张图片用做测试,命名为“学号后四_Original”。放在C++工程文件夹下(与CPP文件放在同一文件夹)。用C++调用OpenCV函数对该幅图片进行读入和显示操作。 (2)在(1)基础上,添加修改代码,将原图转换成灰度图像,并保存,命名为“学号后四位_Gray”。 (3) 请利用OpenCV中Sobel,Laplace,Canny算法相应函数对(2)中图像进行处理,并保存,命名为“学号后四位_Sobel”或“学号后四位_
- Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library -Learning OpenCV puts you right in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduce
- Face detection made in Processing based on OpenCV library. It detects the form of a human face in a webcam stream and outputs a red square around that person s face. Get processing from www.processing.org for fr-Face detection made in Processing base
- if you want to take a break and still learn something in a funny way - a short movie with a bunny in which you get to help him trick the bold (balled) hunter 0 Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fud - some processing application using OpenCV free library (all java
- This source code is implementation of grabbing and processing image with OpenCV from IP Camera. The IP camera is accessed using TVideoGrabber library. You can download the trial version free from it official website. Then, you can grab and process th
- opencv库安装文件,一个免费的强大的图像处理库,提供多种图像处理函数-Library opencv installation files, a free, powerful image processing library, provides a wide range of image processing functions
- the emuge cv is the free c# wrapper for using opencv in dot net plateform c#-the emuge cv is the free c# wrapper for using opencv in dot net plateform c#......
- 图像文件读入和显示 Wikipedia,自由的百科全书 来自于仕琪的讲稿《使用OpenCV进行图像处理》中的例程 目录 [隐藏] 1 C语言版本 2 函数说明 2.1 论坛常见问题 3 Python版本 [编辑]C语言版本-Read and display image files Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Shi Qi' s speech from the " use OpenCV
- 神手遙控 HandRemoteControl v1.1 讓你作簡報、看電影免用遙控器, 使用環境: 需搭配PC-Camera 請在亮度足夠環境 使用者距離Camera約2~5公尺,正面對Camera 使用方式: -執行本程式 -使用Power Point簡報時, 以手指均勻連續畫順時針可到下一張,逆時針可到上一張 -使用KMPlayer觀看電影時,以順時針可以快轉,逆時針可以倒轉 需安裝OpenCV -God Hand
- * OpenCV is released under a BSD license, it is free for both academic and commercial use. * The library has >500 optimized algorithms (see figure below). It is used around the world, has >2M downloads and >40K people in the
- 神手遙控 HandRemoteControl v1.4 增加手掌五指輕晃,為KMPlayer播放/暫停指令。 讓你作簡報、看電影免用遙控器, 使用環境: 需搭配PC-Camera 請在亮度足夠環境 使用者距離Camera約2~5公尺,正面對Camera 使用方式: -執行本程式 -使用Power Point簡報時, 以手指均勻連續畫順時針可到下一張,逆時針可到上一張 -使用KMPlayer觀看電影時,以順時針可以快轉,逆時針可以倒轉 需安裝OpenCV -Hand of God
- OpenCV and C++ A short howto for OpenCV and DevCPP on Windows DevCPP is a free development environment based upon GCC (creates makefiles and all these) which quite likely should make it easy to adapt to Linux (and possibly OS X). -OpenCV
- 使用摄像头监控停车场空闲车位,使用OpenCV图像库实现-Free use of camera surveillance parking spaces, image library implementation using OpenCV
- t’s a relatively easy thing for computers to “see” video, but “computer vision” goes a step further, applying a wide range of techniques by which computers can begin to understand and process the content of a video input. These techniques tend toward
- 实现OpenCV的免配置应用,直接在工程中使用opencv,可以把工程拷贝到任意其他电脑上使用!使用VC6实现,直接运行即可。-Achieve OpenCV-free configuration application, direct use opencv project works can be copied to any other computer on the use of! Use VC6 to achieve, can be run directly.
- 实现OpenCV的免配置应用,直接在工程中使用opencv,可以把工程拷贝到任意其他电脑上使用!使用VS2008实现,直接运行即可。-Achieve OpenCV-free configuration application, direct use opencv project works can be copied to any other computer on the use of! Implemented using VS2008, can be run directly.
- OpenCV的全称是:Open Source Computer Vision Library。OpenCV是一个基于BSD许可(开源)发行的跨平台计算机视觉库,可以运行在Linux、Windows和Mac OS操作系统上-OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces