POSIX 线程详解
- 来自IBM的教程,我把它做成了PDF。本文详细说明了POSIX线程的概念以及借口的用法。适合初级程序员阅读-from IBM's Guide, I put it into a PDF. This paper details the POSIX threads, and the concept of the use excuses. The initial reading for programmers
- 一个高级面向对象的线性和sycnchronization 库,以运行POSIX 和Win32 系统中的C++程序。它支持一种来自native theads,非常出色和强大的abstraction。 -a high level object-oriented linear and sycnchronization basement, and a POSIX operating system Win32 C procedures. Its support comes from a native
- · Develop clear, readable, well-documented and well-designed programs in the C Programming Language. · Develop software in the Unix/Linux using tools such as gcc, gdb, and make. · Locate and interpreting “man pages” applicable to applicatio
- The Spectral Toolkit is a C++ spectral transform library written by Rodney James and Chuck Panaccione while at the National Center for Atmospheric Research between 2002 and 2005. The library contains a functional subset of FFTPACK and SPHEREPACK, inc
- 正则表达式,可以与POSIX API和Perl语言处理正则表达式的功能相媲美,而且还能支持各种字符类型(如char、wchar_t,甚至还可以是自定义字符类型); 多线程,想了很久的跨平台多线程库了; 数据结构“图”,再加上即将加入标准的hash_set、hash_map、hash_multiset、hash_multimap等等(事实上不少STL实作,如SGI STL,已经支持以上数据结构),C++对数据结构的支持已近完备; python,没错,对Python语言的支持;
- Linux系统下的多线程遵循POSIX线程接口,称为pthread。编写Linux下的多线程程序,需要使用头文件pthread.h,连接时需要使用库libpthread.a。
- rtbuf.c is an implementation of a buffering scheme using the POSIX realtime features. Its aim is to provide smooth playback of MPEG audio streams even on a very heavily loaded machine. It uses many advanced features of the operating system: -
- GNU Common C++ is a very portable and highly optimized class framework for writing C++ applications that need to use threads and support concurrent sychronization, and that use sockets, XML parsing, object serialization, thread-optimized String and d
- 项目描述: Env_audit is a program that ferrets out everything it can about the environment. It looks for process IDs, UID, GID, signal masks, umask, priority, file descr iptors, and environmental variables. It comes with test configurations for anacron, a
复件 modp-driver-0.09
- linux核C语言写的MODBUS通讯 This is a Linux kernel driver (2.2.19+ 2.4+) for the Modicon SA85 ISA and PCI-85 cards. It is written in C and includes example shell scr ipts for administration, and an example client program. Development Status: 4 - Beta Intende
- This release 0.7 (late beta) of LinuxThreads, a BiCapitalized implementation of the Posix 1003.1c \"pthread\" interface for Linux. LinuxThreads provides kernel-level threads: each thread is a separate Unix process, sharing its address space with the
- Tokyo Cabinet的Tokyo Cabinet 是一个DBM的实现。这里的数据库由一系列key-value对的记录构成。key和value都可以是任意长度的字节序列,既可以是二进制也可以是字符串。这里没有数据类型和数据表的概念。 作者叫Mikio Hirabayashi.Tokyo Cabinet是用C写的,同时提供c,perl,ruby,java的API。Tokyo Cabinet在提供了POSIX和C99的平台上都可用,它以GNU Lesser Public License协议发布
- UNIX-POSIX API,网站上dump下来的,看接口不必那么累去网上看了,离线可以看-UNIX-POSIX API, from the dump site and see no need to interface to the Internet so tired reading, offline can be seen
- VxWorks入门例程,包括基于Wind与POSIX的任务调度与通信(信号量、消息队列、管道)。-It is a package of some examples,which includes ones about task scheduling & communication (using semaphore & message queue & pipes) based on Wind & POSIX.
- 《多线程编程指南》介绍了SolarisTM 操作系统(Solaris Operating System, Solaris OS)中 POSIX® 线程和Solaris 线程的多线程编程接口。本指南将指导应用程序程序员如何创建 新的多线程程序以及如何向现有的程序中添加多线程。-" Multi-threaded Programming Guide" describes the SolarisTM operating system (Solaris Operating
- Linux是开放的源代码,它具备了unix的全部特征,与POSIX标准兼容。 Linux操作系统,不仅广泛与应用于PC、服务器,还广泛地用于手机、PDA等高端嵌入设备。 Linux综合了unix主要派生系统(如SysV、BSD)的先进技术,所以,Linux操作系统上能运行原Unix系统的各种应用程序,同时,还存在大量的应用程序开放源代码供开发者使用。 Linux内核代码几乎是每个软件工程师必读的-Linux is open source code, which possesses a
- 此书为POSIX多线程程序设计中文版。本书深入描述了IEEE的开放系统接口标准-POSIX线程,通常称为Ptherads标准。本书首先解释了线程的基本概念,包括异步编程、线程的生命周期和同步机制;然后讨论了题,并给出了避免错误和提高性等问题的有价值的建议。本书使用了大量注释过的实例来解释实际的概念,并包括Pthreads的简装索引和对标准化的展望。本书适合有经验的C语言程序员阅读,也适合多线程编程人员参考。 -This book describes in depth the open syste
- linux下pthread库标准《programming with posix》书籍的中文电子版-POSIX under Linux,this is a book about linux pthread
- 深入理解进程及进程在调度执行和内存空间等方面的特点,掌握在POSIX 规范中fork和kill系统调用的功能和使用-The further understanding of process and process in the implementation and memory space, and other aspects of the features, master in POSIX norms of the fork and kill system call function and
- Platform specific code for POSIX goes here. This is not a platform on its own but contains the parts which are the same across POSIX platforms Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. -Platform specific code for POSIX goes here. This is not a platform o