- This book is intended for embedded system programmers, consultants and students interested in real-time operating systems. μC/OS-II is a high performance, deterministic real-time kernel and can be embedded in commercial products (see Appendix F,
The Real-Time Kernel_UCOS作者的书
- UCOS操作系统实时内核书-UCOS real-time operating system kernel book
- Real time system design
Real Time Object Tracking and Enhancement System
- 一个实时的视频目标跟踪算法,Real Time Object Tracking and Enhancement System
celestia-1.6.1.tar Celestia is an application for real-time 3D
- Celestia is an application for real-time 3D visualization of space, with a detailed model of the solar system, over 100,000 stars, more than 10,000 galaxies, and an extension mechanism for adding more objects.
- (1)实时监视远程电脑的桌面操作变化 (2):快速准确的查看被监视电脑的实时桌面信息,具有远程桌面录像功能,可查看任意时间段的历史桌面信息。 (3):具有远程桌面控制功能,可以象操作本地计算机一样操作远程计算机。 (4):可以同时操控和查看10以上个电脑。 (5):采用TCP/IP协议,高压缩率差异传图,保证图象快速稳定传输。 (6):系统为C/S结构,客户端进程防删。-(1) real-time monitoring a remote computer' s desk
- dSPACE实时仿真系统是由德国dSPACE公司开发的一套基于MATLAB/Simulink的控制系统开发及半实物仿真的软硬件工作平台,实现了和MATLAB/Simulink/RTW的完全无缝连接。dSPACE实时系统拥有实时性强,可靠性高,扩充性好等优点。dSPACE硬件系统中的处理器具有高速的计算能力,并配备了丰富的I/O支持,用户可以根据需要进行组合;软件环境的功能强大且使用方便,包括实现代码自动生成/下载和试验/调试的整套工具。dSPACE软硬件目前已经成为进行快速控制原型验证和半实物仿
- 为风河工程师亲自根据VxWorks实时操作系统的特点而编写的实时系统方面的书籍,非常专业-Engineer for Wind River VxWorks real-time operating system based on personal characteristics of the real-time systems and the preparation of books, very professional
- The potential of solving real-time demanding industrial applications, using vision-based algorithms, drastically grew due to an increasing availability of computational power. In this thesis a novel real-time, vision-based Blackjack analysis syst
- 最小二乘法在系统实时辨识中应用,对时变系统进行辨识-Least-squares method in the application of real-time identification of time-varying system identification
- 嵌入式和实时应用系统,很好的书籍(英文版) Real time and embedded system applications-Real time and embedded system applications
- 介绍RT-Thread实时操作系统编程的结构与操作方法-Introduce rt real-time system, the thread programming structure and operation methods
- pic单片机上使用的实时操作系统,含源码,希望对大家有用-pic microcontroller used in real-time operating system, including source code, we hope to be useful
- 基于目前视频监控系统的现状 ,提出了一个基于嵌入式系统的网络实时视频监控系统. 其服务端以 S3C 2410嵌入式平台为核心、IM E 6400及附属电路为扩展功能 ,并采用了嵌入式 L inux操作系统.-Based on the current status of video surveillance system, proposed a network based on embedded systems real-time video monitoring system. S3C 2410
- a book about real time system
- 本资料是根据众多零散资料整理而成。内容包括实时操作系统系统的主要概念,实时系统需求分析、设计方法综述以及实时程序设计等。-This information is based on data compilation from many scattered. Real-time operating system includes the main concepts, real-time system requirements analysis, design review and real-time
- 基于DSP的印刷品缺陷在线检测系统设计.kdh design of real time system for presswork dect detection- design of real time system for presswork dect detection
- 介绍了在实际应用当中通过硬件的方法,实测Windows Embedded CE 6.0的中断 延迟时间,验证其实时性,并简要介绍了改善系统实时性的几个常见方法。-Introduced in the practical application of these methods by hardware, interrupt measured 6.0 Windows Embedded CE Delay time, when in fact verification, and briefly
- Design a UML diagram for the Real time systems like ATM Machine
Real-Time System.pdf
- Hermann Kopetz Real-Time Systems Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications Second Edition