- This metric will also be based on multi channel creation methods and Hop-by-hop routing techniques for an effective multi hop transmission with no loops. sht-This metric will also be based on multi channel creation methods and Hop-by-hop routing
- Kademlia协议(以下简称Kad)是美国纽约大学的PetarP. Maymounkov和David Mazieres. 在2002年发布的一项研究结果《Kademlia: A peerto -peer information system based on the XOR metric》。 简单的说,Kad 是一种分布式哈希表(DHT)技术,不过和其他 DHT 实现技术比较,如 Chord、CAN、Pastry 等,Kad 通过独特的以异或算法(XOR)为距离度量基础,建立了一种 全
- gpsr路由协议c++实现,添加了除了距离因素以外的链路质量因素作为选路判据。-gpsr rouintg protocol, which added a new routing metric called etx in the original code.
- Optimized Link State Routing Protocol with estimating ETX metric.
- In this work, performance evaluation of LEACH and LEACH-C protocols based on NS2 is depicted, which helps to reveal the regularity how performances of these two routing protocols change with the sink locations. For a more accurate descr i
- 以前在游戏工作室上班时写的一个小工具,功能:在虚拟机上同时拨10条adsl获得10个不同的IP,同时设置路由表,然后把10个IP发送到指定的数据库中。每个IP的跃点数设置成一样,这样就是10个不同的IP出口,然后做成s5代理给挂机的电脑使用。-A small tool, written in the previous game studio to work function: on the same virtual machine to allocate 10 adsl 10 different
- the network lifetime based on a new Energy-Aware Objective Function used to design a Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks. The proposed Objective Function uses the Expected Transmission Count Metric and the Remaining Energy on each senso
- Static routing is very simple. Each node has a routing table where each entry has the destination and the next node. On receiving a packet, a node find the entry corresponding to the packet s destination, and forwards it to the next node. If there is
- matlab实现图上的Florid算法,最终结果为路径长度度量矩阵和路由矩阵-Floyd algorithm matlab implementation on the graph, the end result is the path length metric matrix and routing matrix
- matlab实现图上需找最短路径的迪杰斯特拉算法,寻找任一点和其他点之间的最短距离,最终结果为最短路径度量矩阵和正序路由矩阵-matlab implementation on the map to find the shortest path Dijkstra algorithm to find the shortest distance between any point and other points, the final result is the shortest path metri