- 格状编码调制是为解决卫星通信中信道噪声对接收的影响及带宽的限制而产生的,其将信道编码与调制很好的结合起来,并且能发挥各自的优点,这种方法在不增加带宽和相同的信息速率下可获得3~6dB的功率增益。-trellis coded modulation for satellite communications solutions Channel noise on the receiver bandwidth and the impact of the restrictions, it will chan
- GPS 定位 校时 G591B G591模块产品定义书 1.GPS芯片 :基于 JRC第九代单芯片SH319方案 2.卫星信道 :88通道, (66个捕获通道,22个追踪通道) 3.频率 :L1, 1.57542 GHz, C/A 码 4.启动时间 :<1.5s(热启),<34s(温启),<35s(冷启) 5.功耗 :38mW typical@tracking 6.GPS精度 :<2.5m Position Accuracy; 0.
- 本文档主要是关于电力系统中GPS对时系统的应用,内容包括变电站GPS的对时介绍及方案,电力系统GPS同步授时装置的设计及综合校时方案的研究,基于CAN网络的整车授时系统设计,GPS在电力系统中的应用,SLU-3000型卫星定位网络校时系统说明书等。-This document is mainly about power system when the system of GPS applications, including substation when the introduction of
- MIMO Source code for MIMO-system with water-filling.
- Control optimisation. It is example of use BFGS algorithm to control satellite form Earth atmosphere to the Mars. Controled is engine power (bang-bang type) and angle of nozze.
- 星上交换技术在卫星网络通信中所起的重要作用已引起人们越来越多的关注。目前地 面网络交换技术成熟,而且吞吐量高。但是由于地面网络交换系统中交换开关调度算法复杂度高,查表速率要求高,缓存容量需求大,以及空间环境和卫星有效载荷功耗、体积等因素限制,在卫星网络中并不适宜采用地面网络交换技术。适合基于激光链路的卫星网络的星上交换技术仍然处于探索阶段,星上交换技术是目前重要的研究课题。-Stars on the exchange of technology in the satellite networ
- GPS信号的功率计算,应用于GPS导航卫星信号-GPS signal power calculation, used in GPS navigation satellite signals
- 星载多波束天线容量计算 考虑非理性功率控制-Capacity multi-beam satellite antenna power control calculations take into account non-rational
- 基于锂离子电池组的微小卫星电源控制器设计-Based on lithium-ion battery pack power supply controller design micro satellite
- Ka频段卫星通信上行链路自适应功率控制Ka band satellite communication uplink adaptive power control-Ka band satellite communication uplink adaptive power control
- 卫星导航信号的BOC调制的功率谱密度以及在卫星导航系统中的应用-BOC modulation of satellite navigation signals and the power spectral density in the satellite navigation system
- described on power quality satellite
- CC50-BG卫星导航模块是给予公司自主产权高性能处理器开发的一款小体积,小体积、多系统、低功耗、易集成的模块产品!-CC50-BG satellite navigation module is to give the company independent property rights of processor with high performance and development of a small size, small volume, low power consumption,
- 数字卫星机顶盒设计的电源选取参考资料!请自行选择,种类较少,不喜勿喷!-Digital satellite set-top box reference design of the power selection! Please choose, type less, do not like do not spray!
- 光像素栅格自动、半自动矢量化的软件。配合gis软件使用的神器,大大降低人工矢量化时间。-Able Software R2V combines the power of intelligent automatic vectorizing technology with an easy-to-use, menu-driven, graphical user interface in the Microsoft Windows 9x and NT environment. The sof
- magnetic field strength, making this approach unsuitable for deep space missions, and also more suitable for low Earth orbits as opposed to higher ones like the geosynchronous. The dependence on the highly variable intensity of Earth’s magnetic
- 包括了在c#和VB源代码。利用GPS卫星来确定当前位置,原子时间同步电脑时钟,坐标和投影库,本文将教你如何生成自己的地图。-In part one of this series, I described how to write an interpreter for raw GPS NMEA data. Part two described how to monitor and enforce GPS precision data to develop commercial-quality so
- 程序中详尽的给出了串行捕获、并行码相位捕获 、并行频率捕获、生成指定卫星的伪随机码、热噪声功率谱、混频器示意图、滤波器演示等应用于卫星接收机的基础编程,(In the program, the basic programming of serial acquisition, parallel code phase capture, parallel frequency capture, pseudorandom code of generating designated satellite, t
中科微GPS模块 V3.2
- 本文将选用一块支持 BDS/GPS 双模定位并具有低功耗特 点的芯片 ATGM332D-5N-3X 作为手持定位终端的定位模块。 ATGM332D-5N-3X 支持两种卫星导航系统进行组合定位,包括中国的 BDS (北斗卫星导航系统), 美国的 GPS 。该模块具有 32 个跟踪通道,两个卫星导航系统的 GNSS 信号可同 时被接收,从而实现联合定位的功能。 ATGM332D-5N-3X 模块具有高灵敏度、 低功耗、低成本等特点,适
- 本项目设计一个类似自行车码表的产品,除了LCD显示骑行速度、骑行里程外、日期时间外,增加了GPS卫星状态、电池电量、电子指南针(当前方向)、转向及警示尾灯。 软件基于FreeRTOS嵌入式操作系统。各功能模块对应相应的任务。任务间通过队列交互信息,通过二值信号量阻塞相关任务,完成任务调度。在空闲任务中进入低功耗模式。(This project designs a bicycle code meter-like product, which adds GPS satellite status, b