- 本教程使用最新的Quartus 11.0sp1+Nios 11.0sp1开发工具。在最新的Quartus II软件中,使用了全新的Qsys进行SOPC系统的构建。 较之以前版本使用SOPC Builder构建有了很大的不同。 本教程为Altera最新的官方Tutorial。 一步步教你使用Qsys构建Nios II系统,并使用Nios II SBT开发应用程序。-This tutorial uses the latest Quartus 11.0sp1+ Nios 11.0sp1 d
- 数据结构,由陈起峰创作,是一种优秀的bst,用size控制,称为sbt -Data structure, by Chen Qi-feng creation, is an excellent bst, with size control, known as the sbt
- 二叉树的建立和 对二叉树的搜索等一系列操作,-BT bulid
- 估计样本序列的自相关函数,并比较SBT,SMVDR,SAR,SMuisc,画出各估计结果 -The estimated autocorrelation function of the sample sequence, and compare the SBT, SMVDR, SAR, SMuisc, draw the estimated results
- 平衡树代码大全,有treap和SBT两种平衡树的完整代码-Code Complete, balanced tree, with two balanced tree SBT treap and the complete code
- Altera公司原版设计手册,nios ii ide profiling模式使用。-This application note describes a variety of ways to measure the performance of a Nios® II system with three tools: the GNU profiler, called nios2-elf-gprof, the timestamp interval timer component,
- 利用线段树套平衡树查询区间第K大数,并满足修改操作,复杂度log^2(n)-Balanced tree using segment tree sets large numbers query interval s K, and operations to meet the changes, the complexity of log ^ 2 (n)
- the describe of SBT in chinese it may help you to learn the SBT
- 各种各样的高级数据结构原理以及C++实现,例如红黑树,哈希表,笛卡尔树,字典树,斐波那契堆,二叉堆,SBT等等。-The wide range of advanced data structural principle C++ of implementation, such as red-black trees, hash tables, Cartesian tree dictionary tree, Fibonacci heap, binary heap, SBT and so on.
- 新兴的平衡树算法SizeBalanceTree的模板-SizeBalanceTree template
vga control
- This tutorial familiarizes you with the Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse and the MicroC/OS-II development flow. The Nios II SBT for Eclipse offers designers a rich development platform for Nios II applications. The Nios II SBT for Ecli
- SBT的基本操作,个类oj题目,有源代码,可以相互学习-SBT' s basic operations, a class oj topic, source code, you can learn from each other
- 提供Splay、SBT、线段树、动态树等数据结构的模板,方便直接套用-The structure of data provided by Splay, SBT, dynamic segment tree, tree template, convenient to directly use