- code for shadow detection using wavelet in images,code for shadow detection using wavelet in images
- 步态识别关键技术研究。包括阴影消除;多人跟踪;特征提取及多特征融合。 这可是一篇对研究步态的朋友有用的硕士论文哦,Gait recognition research of key technologies. Including the elimination of the shadow people tracking feature extraction and multi-feature fusion. This is one pairs of friends gait research
- 该代码用于在视觉智能监控/视频监控/视觉监控/视频智能监控中,消除阴影。阴影消除对视频监控具有重要的意义,能够有效地降低阴影对目标检测的影响,减小误检率和漏检率,提高对目标的识别效率以及监控系统的稳定性和可靠性。-This code is used to remove shadow in visual intelligent surveillance/video surveillance/visual surveillance/video intelligent surveillance. Sh
- 利用Retinex中心环绕算法进行阴影去除,飞常详细并含有程序对应的PPT-Centers around the use of Retinex algorithm to remove the shadow, flying often detailed and contain procedures for the corresponding PPT
- Use the RGB mode to get a quick sense of which colors are present in particular highlight, shadow, and midtone regions. The LAB mode is more useful for determining the actual color balance of an image, but it is slower. -Use the RGB mode to get a q
- 把地理区域分成一个个小区,蜂窝系统在该区域内提供无线覆盖。把可用的频谱分成很多信道,每个小区分配一组信道。使用频分双工(FDD)。在小区间进行频率利用,N个小区构成一个簇,簇间进行频率复用。定义了传播特性(信道参数)以及同频小区的位置。信道的参数包括:小区半径,路径损耗指数,以分贝为单位的对数正态阴影的标准差,基站发射功率级,移动台发射功率级,每个小区的扇区数,扇区化天线的正反向比,要仿真的瞬时位置的组数,同频干扰阈值。-To a geographical area is divided int
- 去除彩色图像中的阴影,以便于图像分割,物体识别以及跟踪-To remove the shadow of color images in order to facilitate the image segmentation, object recognition and tracking
- 一种彩色图像边缘检测的算法。实现J.van de Weijer的" Robust Photometric Invariant Features from the Color Tensor"-The quasi-invariant derivatives can be used to suppress undesired edges such as shadow, shading and specular edges. LITERATURE: J. van de Weijer, Th. Gev
- 这是在视频研究中关于运动阴影检测的 代码,用VC++编写,中间调用MATLAB-This is a praogram aboout the shadow detection in the video research.It is worth deep study.
- 背景差和帧差法实现运动人体的跟踪,具有搞噪声和消除大部分阴影功能-Background difference and frame difference method to achieve motion tracking of the human body, has engaged in the shadow of the noise and the elimination of most of the functionality
- 背景差和帧差法实现运动人体的跟踪,具有搞噪声和消除大部分阴影功能-Background difference and frame difference method to achieve motion tracking of the human body, has engaged in the shadow of the noise and the elimination of most of the functionality
- 智能交通车辆阴影检测中的相关算法和一些程序代码非常有用hsv,lab-Shadow detection in intelligent transportation vehicles, the relevant algorithm and some very useful code hsv, lab
- 基于能量检测的频谱感知.由于实际信道中的多径和阴影效应,单个认知用户频谱感知的性能受到影响,因此需要靠不同用户间的协同频谱感知来对抗多径和阴影效应。本设计要求在文中采用一种协作机制,即两用户进行协作频谱感知,提高主用户的检测率,减少检测时间,并且得到捷变增益。要求给出仿真结果。-spectrum sensing in cognitive radio based on energy detection.As the channels in diameter and shadow, not a si
- 本文件中提供了五种不同的方法,实现了遥感正射影像中云影的检测。源码均已通过了实验的检验,有例图显示检测结果。- This document provides five different methods,which is used for shadow-detection in the remote sensing images. The source codes has already passed the inspection, experimental example shows th
- 本文件包含的程序实现了神经网络在遥感正射影像云影检测领域的应用,效果良好。-This document contains procedures for implementation of neural networks in remote sensing cloud shadow detection orthophoto application of the field to good effect.
- shadow detection with matlab model color hsv
- 移动信道在路径损耗和阴影衰落大尺度衰落下,随基站和移动台间的距离变化的功率变化情况-Mobile channel path loss and shadow fading in the large-scale fading, with the base station and mobile station changes the distance between the power changes
- Within each folder, first run gendata.m (in Matlab) to generate the appropriate data files. Then, run gclabel.cpp to estimate the shadow map and normal field. Finally, run genheight.m in Matlab to integrate the normal field. The light source directio
- 非常全面介绍了阴影检测算法以及如何去除阴影的算法,基本涵盖了该领域的所有知识点。-Is a comprehensive introduction to the shadow detection algorithm and how to remove the shadow of the algorithm, covering all the knowledge in the field point.
- 基于matlab的光伏电池半物理仿真系统的研究 本文从原理上得出简化的光伏电池板数学模型,并分析了在阴影条件下光伏电池板的运行规律,并加以改善,从而得到比较完善的光伏电池板模型。将光伏电池模型在 Matlab/Simulink 中建模并仿真,在 PC机上得出光伏电池 V-I,V-P 特性。最后将 PC 机上 Matlab/Simulink 建立的光伏电池模型通过 AD/DA 板卡于外界真实量交互,为在 Matlab/Simulink 上搭建光伏系统能量提供部分的半物理仿真提出了可行性和合理性。