- 这是一个可交互的三维图形的源代码程序,包含了几种常见的三维图形。-This is an interactive three-dimensional graphics program
- 简单画图板程序 实现windows画图板的部分简单功能 基本功能: (1)绘制直线、曲线; (2)绘制各种形状,比如矩形、椭圆形 (3)绘制各种实心形状,比如实心矩形、实心椭圆等 (4)添加文字 (5)设置不同的绘制颜色 (6)显示磁盘上已有的图片文件 (7)具备“橡皮擦”的功能,进行擦除 (8)填充功能 (9)画刷功能 (10)设置图形边框线宽 (11)不同功能实现鼠标的形状的变化 (12)工具栏图标选中与否的变化 (13)添加
- Contour Correspondence via Ant Colony Optimization Oliver van Kaick <ovankaic@cs.sfu.ca> http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~ovankaic/personal/ This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimi
- This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimization (ACO). The input shapes can be either two 2D contours (open or closed) or two arbitrary sets of 2D points.
- Diagram_maker - one way to make diagrams using shapes. Software can save & open files, undo/redo functions, working with colors, etc.
- This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimization (ACO). The input shapes can be either two 2D contours (open or closed) or two arbitrary sets of 2D points. The algorithm is described in de
- 一个类似Windows画图板的小程序, 功能和界面全部模仿于Windows自带的画图板,界面如截图。功能主要有: 手绘线、简单图形、文字输入、图块拖放、重复撤销、画面缩放、打开保存图片文件,另外为了直接从数据库或者XML中存取图片,另外还提供了从Base64编码存取图片的接口,其他还实现了和画图板同样效果的工具箱及颜料盒。 -A similar drawing board a small Windows program, features, and interface all built
- “画图板”程序是用来绘制各种几何图形的画图小程序。该程序主要包括一些功能: (1)绘制各种几何图形 支持鼠标绘制直线、曲线、矩形、椭圆、封闭任意多边形、圆弧、饼型。 (2)添加文字标注 支持添加文字标注,为绘图作品或绘制图形进行文字说明。 (3)设置画笔和填充 支持选择画笔属性(线宽、线形、线色);支持选择填充属性,即刷子的(颜色、样式)实现对封闭图形的填充。 (4)保存和导入图形文件 支持将当前绘制的图形保存为文件(扩展名为.ple)。支持从磁盘中打开扩展名为
- 这个简单的程序(DOS环境)帮助用户创建设计使用基本形状、开放和编辑它们,也拯救他们。适度的试图实现2 d图形算法-This simple program (DOS environment) to help users create a design using basic shapes, open and edit them, and save them. Moderate trying to achieve the 2-d graphics algorithms
- 用processing语言编写的类似画图的程序,可以画4中基本图形:长方形,圆,椭圆和线,还有三角形和折线。并且能够将已画的图形保存成TXT,打开TXT可以还原上回保存的图形。另外还有对图像的一些filter处理。-Processing language prepared by the similar drawing program, you can draw 4 basic shapes: rectangles, circles, ellipses and lines, triangles a
- “画图板”程序是用来绘制各种几何图形的画图小程序。该程序主要包括一些功能: 1. 绘制各种几何图形 支持鼠标绘制直线、曲线、矩形、椭圆、封闭任意多边形、圆弧、饼型。 2. 添加文字标注 支持添加文字标注,为绘图作品或绘制图形进行文字说明。 3. 设置画笔和填充 支持选择画笔属性(线宽、线形、线色);支持选择填充属性,即刷子的(颜色、样式)实现对封闭图形的填充。 4. 保存和导入图形文件 支持将当前绘制的图形保存为文件(扩展名为.ple)。支持从磁盘中打开扩展名为
- 采用蚁群优化算法的轮廓匹配,输入可以是二值轮廓或者是任意的二维点集-This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimization (ACO). The input shapes can be either two 2D contours (open or closed) or two arbitrary sets of 2D points.
- c#编写的绘图程序,可以画出各种形状有撤销返回功能,保存打开图片功能-c# write drawing program that can draw various shapes have revoked return function, saving open picture functions
- 使用Qt5.5开发的简易画图程序,支持撤销和重做功能,使用双缓冲技术,可以导出成图片。 供交流学习,本人技术简陋,希望能够对大家Qt的学习有所帮助。 注意:打开软件后请点击“新建”或“打开”开始使用。-A program like windows paint writting with Qt5.5, I call it iPaint. You can draw some shapes and fill them a color. Using double buffer to draw QPix
- Painting program that is similar to mspaint that allows you to draw shapes, save and open a file in Bitmap
- Texture-Aware Fast Global Level Set Evolution-Due to its intrinsic advantages such as the ability to automatically handle complex shapes and topological changes, the level set method has been widely used in image segmentation. Nevertheless, in additi