这是06年Summer school关于同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)的第四堂课,关于slam的一个仿真。希望对从事SLAM研究的朋友们有用!-This is the fourth class about SLAM in Summer school in 2006,which is on a SLAM simulation example.I hope it will be helpful for those friends who pursuit of SLAM.
移动机器人同时定位与地图创建最前沿技术,来自school summer 的培训材料,一共有三个代码包,包括EKF,PF等代码,这是第二部分,主要是关于数据关联(data association)的.-Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping at the same time to create the most cutting-edge technology, from the school summer training materials, a total
这是06年Summer school关于同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)的第一堂课。希望对从事SLAM研究的朋友们有用!-This is the fist class about SLAM in Summer school in 2006,I hope it will be helpful for those friends who pursuit of SLAM.
这是06年Summer school关于同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)的第二堂课,关于扩展卡尔曼滤波方面的。希望对从事SLAM研究的朋友们有用!-This is the second class about SLAM in Summer school in 2006,which is on EKF.I hope it will be helpful for those friends who pursuit of SLAM.
这是06年Summer school关于同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)的第三堂课,关于机器人模型建立的。希望对从事SLAM研究的朋友们有用!-This is the third class about SLAM in Summer school in 2006,which is on Robot Modelling.I hope it will be helpful for those friends who pursuit of SLAM.
这是06年Summer school关于同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)的第五堂课,关于课程完结的作业,附有参考代码。希望对从事SLAM研究的朋友们有用!-This is the fifth class about SLAM in Summer school in 2006,which is on homework of the class with some codes.I hope it will be helpful for those friends who pursuit of SLAM