pci.tar.gz 完成WB BUS和PCI bus之间的传输
- verilog编写的PCI总线,提供了Wishbone bus和PCI local bus之间的接口,内由两个独立的模块组成,分别完成WB BUS和PCI bus之间的传输,The PCI IP core (PCI bridge) provides an interface between the WISHBONE SoC bus and the PCI local bus. It consists of two independent units, one handling transact
- SOC估算公式,很典型的,项目核心的内容,拿出来分享。-SOC estimation formula, it is typical, the core content of the project, to share out.
- uart16550 is a 16550 compatible (mostly) UART core. The bus interface is WISHBONE SoC bus Rev. B. Features all the standard options of the 16550 UART: FIFO based operation, interrupt requests and other. The datasheet can b
- A New Heuristic Algorithm for the 3D Bin Packing Problem
- In term project, we will take the baseline JPEG codec in ARM-based platform system as an example to practice the design flow in SoC. We divide the project into three parts, and the goal of each part is described as follow. Part I: Design a baseli
- SATA NAS SOC,200MHz ARM926EJS核 SATA接口的NAS用处理器,集成USB2.0 HOST接口,Ethernet控制器,DDR SDRAM控制器,PCI HOST接口,可以扩展PCI外设。-SATA NAS SOC,NAS COntroller with 200MHz ARM926EJS core, intergated SATA controller,USB2.0 HOST controller,Ethernet MAC controller,DDR SDRAM c
- 包中包括, DW8051完整的Verilog HDL代码 两本手册: DesignWare Library DW8051 MacroCell, Datasheet DesignWare DW8051 MacroCell Databook 三篇51论文: 基于IP 核的PSTN 短消息终端SoC 软硬件协同设计 Embedded TCP/ IP Chip Based on DW8051 Core 以8051为核的SOC中的万年历的设计 -DW8051 is desi
- au1250 2.6.28 asoc ac9797 dump_stack fix-au1250 2.6.28 asoc ac9977 dump_stack fix
- sopc 中的cpu软核,可以配置成soc,成为片上可编程系统-sopc in soft-core cpu, can be configured into a soc, as a programmable system chip
- 介绍了实时操作系统 eCos的特点和开发架构。并通过实现eCos在MIPS32为内核的PNX8310嵌入式系统片上的移植,阐述eCos在嵌入式系统上的移植方法。重点讨论了移植过程中的一些关键点,分析了硬件抽象层的移植方法。该移植方案已经过实际测试,系统稳定可靠。 -The features and the program architecture of eCos are described.With the realization of transplanting eCos to PNX8310
- SATA NAS SOC,200MHz ARM926EJS核 SATA接口的NAS用处理器,集成USB2.0 HOST接口,Ethernet控制器,DDR SDRAM控制器,PCI HOST接口,可以扩展PCI外设。-SATA NAS SOC,NAS COntroller with 200MHz ARM926EJS core, intergated SATA controller,USB2.0 HOST controller,Ethernet MAC controller,DDR SDRAM c
- 嵌入式系统通常是以具体应用为中心,以处理器为核心且面向实际应用的软 硬件系统,其硬件是整个嵌入式系统运行的基础和平台,提供了软件运行所需的 物理平台和通信接口;而嵌入式系统的软件一般包括操作系统和应用软件,它们 是整个系统的控制核心,提供人机交互的信息等。所以,嵌入式系统的开发通常 包括硬件和软件两部分的开发,硬件部分主要包括选择合适的MCU或者 SOC 器件、存储器类型、通讯接口及I/O、电源及其他的辅助设备等;软件部分主要 涉及OS porting和应用程序的开发等,
- 为了辅助大家学习《SystemC片上系统设计》一书,方便大家阅读、理解、实践SystemC。大部分代码在Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0上编译通过,另有一些代码无法在个人电脑上使用,可以在工作站的Sun Solaris上编译通过。建议大家带着批评而不是崇拜的眼光来学习这些代码。 SystemC Core Language library 201是SystemC核心语言库,可以在个人电脑上运行。 SystemC MasterSlave Library201是Sys
- 一款非常实用的8051IPcore,本人现在做soc的控制部分就是它。-A very useful 8051IPcore, I now control part of the soc is doing it.
i2c hdl core
- I2C Hdl code for SOC design and FPGA
- Code specific to PKUnity SoC and UniCore ISA
- Altera SOC platform overview for Stratix-V, ArriaV FPGA families, with ARM Cortex A9 Dual COre Hard Macro embedded. This is a seminar document, attended in May 2013
- 声卡soc的驱动,linux环境,2k行代码-Soc sound card drivers, linux environment, 2k lines of code
- ALSA SoC Audio Layer for Linux v2.13.6.
- soc-core.c ALSA SoC Audio Layer. -soc-core.c ALSA SoC Audio Layer.