- 很完善的一个ofdm仿真程序,它以FUNCTION的形式,再现了ofdm映射,IDFTDFT,同步(时间频率同步)和信道估计,以及频率偏移的估计等一系列代码.-very sound one ofdm simulation program, which is in the form FUNCTION, Reproduction of ofdm mapping, IDFTDFT, synchronous (time-frequency synchronous) and channel estimat
- 802.11a ofdm MATLAB仿真代码,包括ofdm映射,IDFT/DFT,同步(时间/频率同步)和信道估计,以及频率偏移的估计等一系列代码-802.11a ofdm MATLAB simulation code, including ofdm mapping, SINGLE/DFT, synchronous (time/frequency synchronization) and channel estimation, and the estimated frequency offse
- ML estimation of time and frequency offset in ofdm systems
- 在这篇论文中,我们提出一种新的时间偏移估计方法应用于ofdm系统。这里提出的估计是为了避免发生在Schmidl中的时间偏移估计方法中的歧义。通过仿真,所提出方案中的性能以均值和最小均方误差的形式说明。仿真结果表明:它与其它估计器相比在相当大的程度上有更小的均方误差。-In this paper, we propose a new time offset estimation method is applied to ofdm systems. Estimates presented here t
- 以FUNCTION的形式,再现了ofdm映射,IDFTDFT,同步(时间频率同步)和信道估计,以及频率偏移的估计等一系列代码.-To FUNCTION in the form of, reproduce ofdm mapping, IDFTDFT, synchronized (time and frequency synchronization), and channel estimation and frequency offset estimation and a series of cod
- Joint maximum likelihood (ML)symbol-time and carrier-frequency offset estimator in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing(ofdm) systems.-Joint maximum likelihood (ML)symbol-time and carrier-frequency offset estimator in orthogonal frequency-divi
- In this paper, we investigate the timing and carrier frequency offset (CFO) synchronization problem in decode and forward cooperative systems operating over frequency selective channels. A training sequence which consists of one orthogonal fr
- In this paper, we investigate the timing and carrier frequency offset (CFO) synchronization problem in decode and forward cooperative systems operating over frequency selective channels. A training sequence which consists of one orthogonal fr
- 一个ofdm的matlab程序,可以实现ofdm的频率同步和时间同步,可以运行,可以出图-a program of ofdm system in matlab,can execute the frequency synchronization and time synchronization,it can run
- plotting Consecutive ofdm Subcarriers in time domain..This program plots sensitivity of ofdm subcarriers with Carrier frequency offset(CFO)-plotting Consecutive ofdm Subcarriers in time domain..This program plots sensitivity of ofdm subcarriers with
- MIMO ofdm 技术将成为第4 代移动通信系统的关键技术, 因MIMO ofdm 对时间和频率偏移非常敏感, 因此MIMO ofdm 同步显得尤为重要。提出了一种新的MIMO ofdm 定时同步和频偏同步技术。以GCL 序列为基础设 计了一个新的符合MIMO ofdm 同步技术的导频序列, 通过对该导频序列进行2 次相关得到频率估计, 并将所得频率 运用到定时同步中, 得到更为准确的时间估计
- 如果对通信系统的同步或者频偏感兴趣的话,这将是一个很好的学习代码,我花了很长时间写的-Communication system synchronization or frequency offset of interest, this will be a good learning code, I spent a long time to write
- 802.11a ofdm MATLAB仿真代码,包含ofdm映射,IDFFT/DFT,同步(时间/频率同步)与信道估计,和频率偏移的估计等一系列代码 -802.11a ofdm MATLAB simulation code, including the ofdm mapping IDFFT/DFT synchronization (time/frequency synchronization) and the channel estimation and frequency offset e
- 首先根据短训练字的特性进行相关运算,进行信号到达检测,当检测到相关值大于门限一定次数后,认为有信号到达。然后根据长训练字的特性,进行相关运算,进行ofdm符号FFT窗口起始位置的估计。估计出FFT窗口的位置后,先在时域进行小频偏的估计,将两个长训练字进行小频偏补偿后,进行FFT运算,根据FFT运算的结果进行整数倍频偏的估计。这些参数估计完成后,就可以进行数据解调了。先对数据部分进行完整的频偏补偿,然后根据估计的FFT窗口位置进行FFT运算得到频域的数据,进行解调。然后在对应于导频的子载波位置上提
- 基于matlab的ofdm仿真程序; 我再论坛找了很多ofdm的代码和文章,但总有遗患,为什么呢原因是大部分只有简单的映射,IDFTDFT变换等等,但主要的同步和信道估计去没有人提出来,甚至做出来.. 现在我终于找到了一份,它以FUNCTION的形式,再现了ofdm映射,IDFTDFT,同步(时间频率同步)和信道估计,以及频率偏移的估计等一系列代码.-Based on the ofdm matlab simulation program I' ll find a lot o
- 时间同步后即可确定每帧数据的起始位置,这样就能完整的截取下每一帧。但是,数据中还带有频偏信息。在常规的通信系统中,多普勒很小仅仅会带来很小的频偏,但是在大多普勒的情况下,频偏将非常大,20马赫的速度将会带来将近34K的频偏。因此,如何很好的纠正频偏即为本系统的难点。 ofdm中,我们将大于子载波间隔倍数的频偏称为整数倍频偏,而将小于一个子载波间隔的频偏称为小数倍频偏。频偏矫正精度只要能保证小于十分之一倍的子载波间隔,频偏就不会对均衡和解调造成影响。本文中我们借鉴这种思想,由于硬件资源限制,我
- 频偏为0.2Hz时的子载波解调结果以及ofdm的模拟调制实现与IDFT实现-An offset of the analog modulation sub-carrier demodulation 0.2Hz ofdm time to achieve results, and to achieve the IDFT
- 频偏为0.2Hz时的子载波解调结果以及ofdm的模拟调制实现与IDFT实现-An offset of the analog modulation sub-carrier demodulation 0.2Hz ofdm time to achieve results, and to achieve the IDFT
- ofdm 传输与接受的各项例子 -ofdm Receiver 1. Initalize the USRP setting the RX parameters and moving the LO outside the transmission band. 2. Generate random data bits (PN Sequence) (125 bits) 3. Use the Van De Beek algorithm to detect the cyclic prefix
802.11a ofdm MATLAB仿真代码!(推荐)
- ofdm映射,IDFT、DFT,同步(时间频率同步)和信道估计,以及频率偏移的估计(ofdm mapping, IDFT, DFT, synchronization (time frequency synchronization) and channel estimation, and frequency offset estimation)