- 一个很优秀的FLASH网站的开头,个人觉得很酷,就拿来和大家分享,希望站长能给通过。好东东大家一起用嘛,何况是源码,大家一起分享吧,希望大家能够喜欢。没有密码解压就能看到了。-a very good FLASH website beginning, feel cool, and it was as if we want to share through the station can. Wanton good together It's useless, not to mention t
- Build 1025更新: 美化了后台,简化了后台操作,使得后台更加直观 美化了投票结果查看页 增加了统计每个问题的总共投票人数 增加了对同一IP投票限制时间的设定 增加了投票结果查看限制的设定 重写了投票统计功能以及投票显示,真正解决了单选多选混合以及多个单选在一起时发生冲突的问题 功能: 可以设置任意个投票主题,每个主题下面可以设置任意个投票标题,每个标题下面可以设置任意个投票选项(即问题)。每个标题可以设置是单选或者是复选。 在添加完投票标题以及
- 大家好,好久没做什么东西了,前些日子偶然看到本论坛的一个FTP多线程断点续传的源代码,拿来研究了一下,相信有很多朋友也对此感兴趣。今天和大家一起讨论一下。 这个软件最大的遗憾就是是BCB的东西,而好多朋友用的是VC,我花了两天时间才把他完全弄成VC的版本,然后心血来潮,想自己编一个。于是规划了一下,先做界面,下载部分吗?打算用完成端口。这样在Windows下比较有效率。-you all a long time has not done anything, happened to see a
- 联讯KingOA办公系统,无限制版!演示http://oa.supersun.cn 首先导入SQL.txt的数据库。然后设置setup.php 和setup1.php的参数就马上可以使用了。有问题可以访问www.supersun.cn或咨询QQ:313489049 本OA系统提供以下功能 1。文档管理。(本系统最大特色是文档的权限设置。可以设置不同的部门只能看自己的文档,) 2。日程安排。(有公共得日程所有人都能看见,有个人日程只有自己能看) 3. 通讯录。(分为个人通讯和公共通讯录) 4. 论
- 自动取款机的源程序,欢迎大家参阅,有问题一起学习啊-ATMs of the source, all are welcome to see if there are problems, learning together ah
- 将连连看*源代码发给大家看看,一起分享编程的乐趣,希望大家多多交流-Lianliankan extrapolated to the source code to see everyone together to share the fun of programming, we hope to conduct more exchanges
- 这是我设计的静态直方图,花了我几天时间 ,希望管理员看看,顺便开通我的账号,能与大家一起研究,为我国的编程行业近一份微薄之力。-This my design of the static histogram, I spent a few days time, administrators hope to see, Incidentally, I opened the account, and you can study together for our programming industry n
- 这是CISS会议上发表的著名论文“Tensor Canonical decomposition based method for blind identification of MIMO system with 3-input 2-output case”的源程序,主要是讲基于张量规范分解的多天线系统的忙识别问题,里边包含了相应的文章,可以一起对照着看。-conference on the famous treatise "Tensor Canonical deco mposition
- Welcome to Tutorial 9. By now you should have a very good understanding of OpenGL. You ve learned everything from setting up an OpenGL Window, to texture mapping a spinning object while using lighting and blending. This will be the first semi-advance
- 汉字识别系统,非常简单,网络上看到的 一起学学啊,对模式的一个简单匹配.-Chinese character recognition system is very simple, see the Web together to learn ah, the model of a simple matching.
- The Portable Executable File Format from Top to Bottom原文、译文及源代码 1、The Portable Executable File Format from Top to Bottom 是最早讲解PE格式的文章之一,是了解PE格式入门很好的文章,原文可以在MSDN1998光盘找到中。 2、这篇文章被国内网友多次翻译,有代表性的译文有两个: 看雪软件安全论坛(bbs.pediy.com)中的ah007译为:可移植的
- 关于SQLSEVER的安装教程,应该很有帮助,看看你的啦,大家一起来分享-SQLSEVER tutorial on the installation, it should be helpful to see your problem, everyone will work together to share
- LL_1文法分析 个人感觉不怎么好用 大家一起来看看,修改一下,谢谢!-Grammar analysis LL_1 not very easy to use personal feeling that everyone will work together to see, changed a bit, thank you!
- 文档为图书管理系统的报告大家一起看看探讨一下-Documentation for the library management system together and see the report to explore
- 大家好,很高兴能够在这见到大家,这个网站很好,为我们解决了很多难题,希望大家一起学习,一起进步-Hello everyone, I am very pleased to be able to see everyone in this, the web site very good for us to solve many problems, I hope to learn together with advances
- Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library -Learning OpenCV puts you right in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduce
- 这是24C02读写程序,大家一起学习了,看看有用没有,-24C02 This is a read-write process, we studied together to see if there is no useful,
- Nehe的windows程序代码,全部的,大家一起看,省下下载时间-Nehe code of the windows, all we can work together to see, save download time
- 功能强大的datagridview,希望大家一起来来看看,并把它修改的更加强大黑-Powerful datagridview, I hope that everyone together to see and to change it more powerful black
- 动态图,matlab源代码,表白神器哦,水水水水水水水水水(gooddasdafagdagdaagagdafaga)