The theory of passive intermodulation generation on
printed transmission lines has been proposed. The new model for
a terminated section of the transmission line with distributed
nonlinear resistance has been developed and verified against the
采用在传统传输线上周期性地加载串联电容C和并联电感L构造了一种二维负折射率传输线微波媒质,不加载L和C的传输线单元则组成正折射率传输线微波媒质,由这两种煤质构成了一个完美透镜系统。使用Bloch理论,导出了这种正负折射率媒质的色散关系和布洛克(Bloch)阻抗,并且计算出了在由点源在各个区域产生的分布电压幅度、相位- the traditional transmission line periodically loaded parallel series capacitor C and indu
根据传输线理论,计算无耗传输线的输入输出阻抗,画图表示电压电流和阻抗随线路长的变化-Based on transmission line theory to calculate the input and output impedance of the lossless transmission line, drawing, said the change of voltage, current and impedance with the line length
Electromagnetic Metamaterials Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications
微波技术基础-第二版-全书分为9章,包括:绪论、导波的一般特性、典型导波系统的场分析、微波集成传输线、介质波导和光波导、传输线的电路理论、微波谐振器、微波网络基础、常用微波元件等内容-The basis of microwave technology- Second Edition- The book is divided into nine chapters, including: introduction, guided wave of the general characteristics
一维FDTD仿真传输线理论,分别设定了不同的电源电阻和负载电阻,并且可以自动生成.avi文件播放。-One-dimensional FDTD simulation of the transmission line theory, were set up different power resistance and load resistance, and can automatically generate .avi file playback.
屏蔽效能的计算,其原理是利用传输线理论进行计算,与仿真和实测结果匹配的很好。-Shielding effectiveness for, the principle is calculated, and simulation and experimental results matched well the use of the transmission line theory.