利用硬件描述语言VHDL实现PSK信号相对码和绝对码的转换-Two VHDL programs to realize the PSK signals conversion between absolute and relative code
用VHDL设计了一个频率计,给出了各模块的详细源码,并给出了注解,对初学者及课程设计有帮助。-VHD designed with a frequency counter, gives the details of each module source code, and gives notes on programs designed for beginners and helpful.
本源代码是RS(31,19)编码器的顶端实现程序和测试程序,此程序可以验证编码器工作与否。此代码,已在ModelSim验证通过。并附上测试时所产生的结果图像。-Source code is RS (31,19) encoder to achieve the top programs and testing procedures, this program can verify the encoder to work or not. This code has been verified in M
antidad_a EQU s0
talto EQU s1 Rename register sX with <name>
tbajo EQU s2
indicador EQU s3
cantidad_b EQU S4 Define constant <name>, assign value
name ROM output file generated by pBlazIDE assembler
VHDL "ROM_form.vhd", "ser