- 此文章给出了雷达信号检测中恒虚警处理的算法研究。-This article give a radar signal detection CFAR algorithm treatment study.
- 粒子群优化算法 人工智能 优化算法 信号去噪 非常好用(Particle swarm optimization algorithm, artificial intelligence optimization algorithm, signal denoising is very easy to use)
- 主要实现源信号盲分离,注释比较清楚,能够运行,对于初学者帮助较大(The main source of blind separation of the signal, the note is relatively clear, able to run, for beginners to help larger)
- 阵列信号处理,波达方向DOA估计的经典算法,以及其空间平滑算法(Array signal processing, direction of arrival, DOA estimation, classical algorithm)
- ESPRIT算法用于估计阵列信号,处理阵列信号的协方差估计问题(MATLAB is used to develop the system model of array signal processing, such as the correlated signals, the error of amplitude and phase.)
- ROOT_MUSIC算法用于处理阵列信号,获得协方差矩阵(MATLAB is used to develop the system model of array signal processing, such as the correlated signals, the error of amplitude and phase.)
- 空间平滑MUSIC算法用于估计阵列信号,处理阵列信号的协方差矩阵(MATLAB is used to develop the system model of array signal processing, such as the correlated signals, the error of amplitude and phase.)
- FastICA算法是基于非高斯性最大化原则得到的一批处理算法。峭度和负熵都可以作为非高斯性的度量。(Advantages: applicable to any non-gaussian signal, blind separation algorithm with fast convergence speed and easy to use, without the need to choose the learning step, is the most widely used algorit
- 能够进行简单的频率计算,通过输入一个模拟信号没能够用MATLAB计算出相应的信号频率,算法的计算量小,文档完整,文档的附录是MATLAB程序,可以直接在MATLAB中使用(To calculate the simple frequency, through the input of an analog signal can not calculate the signal frequency with corresponding MATLAB algorithm, small amount of
- 基于MATLAB复调制ZOOM-FFT算法的分析和实现(Analysis and implementation of complex modulation ZOOM-FFT algorithm based on MATLAB)
- 该系统基于TMS320F2808实现,用来检测和重建复合频率信号中的主次信号。该系统由计算模块、重建模块和通讯模块组成。为了能在实时运行中自适应地确定采样频率,我们采取了“eCAP+AD”的方法,eCAP模块记录下整形后的复合信号的上升沿过零点时间值并估计出主频率,从而使系统能自动地选取合适的采样频率完成AD采样过程。系统采用了4096点的FFT算法,能够实现高达0.25Hz的频率分辨率,相对分辨率达到0.05%。(The system is based on TMS320F2808 to de
- 对声音信号的分析及处理相关算法,主要是呼吸相关的生物信号(Analysis and processing of sound signals related algorithms)
- 阵列信号处理程序,源自张小飞书中光盘,含有MUSIC,旋转不变子空间等现在主流算法(Array signal processing, from the CD, Zhang Xiaofei book containing MUSIC, rotation invariant subspace algorithm is now the mainstream)
案例1 BP神经网络的数据分类-语音特征信号分类
- 前馈循环神经网络,用于处理语音识别,里面是matlab源代码,以及实例。学习神经网络算法很有帮助。(Feed forward recurrent neural network for speech recognition, which is the matlab source code, and an example. Learning neural network algorithms is very helpful.)
- 基于模糊神经网络的能效网络选择算法,根据当前终端应用进行能量效用计算并综合考虑用户接受的网络信号强度和网络带宽将其作为模糊神经网络输入进行网络选择。(Based on the fuzzy neural network energy efficiency network selection algorithm, according to the current terminal application of energy utility calculation and considering th
- 用AR 模型的自相关法估计信号的功率谱,用AR 模型的Burg 算法估计信号的功率谱,最大熵功率谱估计,用自相关矩阵分解的MUSIC 算法估计信号的功率谱(The power spectrum of the signal is estimated using the AR model autocorrelation method. The power spectrum of the signal is estimated using the Burg model of the AR model.
- music算法的MATLAB仿真,简单实用易理解,适合新手入门参考(The MATLAB implementation of signal source localization is simple and easy to understand, which is suitable for beginners to enter as reference code. -----------------------------------------------------------
MATLAB 自适应信号控制1
- 道路交叉口信号配时自适应控制算法 还有软件仿真实现(The algorithm of signal timing adaptive control at Road intersection and software simulation is realized.)
- 阵列信号处理是信号处理领域内的一个重要分支,在近些年来得到了迅速发展。波达方向(Direction of Arrival,DOA)估计是阵列信号处理的一个重要的研究领域,在雷达、通信、声纳、地震学等领域都有着广泛的应用前景。在DOA估计的发展过程中,人们对高分辨DOA估计算法一直有很大的研究兴趣,并在这一领域取得了很多重要的进展。本文主要研究经典的多重信号分类(Multiple signal Classification,MUSIC)算法。 本文首先回顾了空间谱估计技术的发展过程及现状,比较详
- 能够准确的估计信号的角度,不需要预估角度,比music算法更加准确。(It can accurately estimate the angle of the signal and do not need to estimate the angle, which is more accurate than the music algorithm.)