- 单相PFC仿真,显示了PFC详细的工作原理,有利初学者的理解和分析。(Single-phase PFC simulation, shows the detailed working principle of PFC, favorable for beginners to understand and analyze.)
boost pfc
- 完整的psim软件仿真平台,仿真PFC的工作原理和工作模式,可以很好的帮助理解PFC的运行机制。(Open-loop PFC simulation, psim software can be fully simulated PFC operating principle, is conducive to beginners to understand the PFC)
- 单相功率因数校正PFC的原理和方法,通过对Boost型滞环控制的DC-DC变换器采用Matlab进行仿真,获得了最后校正的功率因数结果,说明这种PFC方案的能获得良好的效果,适用于多种场合。(The principle and method of single-phase PFC are introduced. By simulating the Boost hysteresis-controlled DC-DC converter with MATLAB, the final correcte
- 该仿真采用了背靠背拓扑,前级高频整流,后级高频逆变;前级带功率因素矫正功能,仿真的控制器采用全软件编写。 之前打算做个单相逆变器,但是PUDN上的。。。简直没法看。。。算了,我还是自己写一个,顺手把单相整流器一起整上去了。 下载记得留言点赞,不然下次不共享了(The simulation adopts back-to-back topology, front-stage hf rectifier and back-stage hf inverter. The front stage has