6月13日 双货币对冲系统
- 本人原创的双货币对冲系统,最新版本,亲测可用,控制好资金,可持续盈利……(My original dual currency hedging system, the latest version of the pro test can be used to control the funds, sustainable profitability......)
- 说明: 运行于MT4的一款外汇双货币对冲的ea,市面上是找不到的,仅供学习,谨慎实盘。内含英文试用说明书。(Explanation: a foreign currency dual currency hedging EA running on MT4 is not available on the market, only for learning and cautious. There is a trial instruction in English.)
- 我找一个稳定对冲双货币对的EA-最大的EA中文外汇黄金交易系统论坛...(Photo Gallery Photo Essays Week in Photos DVIDS DoD Flickr Imagery Archive Videos Live Events Defense TV DVIDS Special Reports U.S. Department of Defe...)
- 在指定期间内的最高和最低的价格,然后得出4个25~85度的角度线的预测价格(The highest and lowest prices for a specified period of time, and then the predicted prices of four 25-85 degree angles are obtained.)
- 双货币对冲系统,有加仓,综合获利出局,简单方便。(Double currency hedging system, there is an increase in positions, comprehensive profits out.)
- Great EA! AMAZING! Very profitable EA
- 无限制版,极影工作室的看家产品之一,交易两个货币兑进行对冲。经过实际测试,EURUSD和GBPUSD的盈利效果最好,AUDUSD和NZDUSD不是很好。按理说这两组关联都不错才对,可能是测试期间行情所致,因为无法回测双币以上ea,实盘模拟测试。(One of the Housekeeping Products of Polarshadow Studio is trading two currencies to hedge against each other. After actual test
- 独角兽趋势-EA加载时间周期:15分钟 加载货币:所有的常见货币就好 独角兽趋势EA,是一款纯趋势EA,策略主要是根据均线来判断趋势,本策略一次一单,不加仓不网格,每单带止损止盈。(Unicorn trend EA loading time cycle: 15 minutes Load currency: all common currencies are OK Unicorn trend EA is a pure trend EA. The strategy is to judge the