- 此文件囊括了多种数字图象处理的算法,其中包括边缘检测腐蚀膨胀图象压缩直方图修正平滑等多种图象处理技术-,Visual C++,图形图象 Graph program -this document to include a wide range of digital image processing algorithms, Edge Detection including corrosion expansion Image Compression histogram that smoothing v
- 图像处理中的膨胀腐蚀、开运算、闭运算,具有图形界面-The expansion of image processing corrosion, open operation, closing operation with a graphical interface
fushi pengzhang cc
- 基于二值图像处理的腐蚀, 膨胀处理,结合起来就是开闭运算!(Based on the two value image processing of corrosion, expansion processing, combined to open and close operation!)