- This book gives a guided tour in this jungle of new mathematical and algorithmic results, while trying to provide an intuitive sense of orientation.-This book gives a guided tour in this jungle of new mathematical and algorithmic results, while try
- a set of open source audio signal processing and algorithmic synthesis classes writtern in C
- very good book for algorithmic trading in finance.
- 本文以标准的建议,ZSP500处理器为平台,采用MPEG-4视频压缩标准,并按照3 GPP3G视频编解码器软件的设计和优化。 - In this paper, the 3G video codec software is completely designed and optimized,with the一ZSP500 processor as the develop platform arJd . .The .MPEG-4 video compression standard as
- 介紹密碼被crack的原因,很貴的論文 -This paper surveys various techniques that have been used in public or privates tools in order to enhance the password cracking process. After a brief overview of this process, it addresses the issues of algorithmic and i
- 一个求最邮哈密顿回路算法,很好用,适合作业-a harmiton algorithmic
- fibonacci In this project, you are required to compute the nth Fibonacci number according to a given non-negative integer n. I have mentioned 4 algorithms based on very different ideas. Please implement them by choosing the most convenient languag
- FIR滤波器幅频特性图像C#的实现! 使用交互界面! 可实现滤波器阶数的选择-This module provides functions to implement Finite Impulse Response (FIR) * filters using a variety of algorithms. * * These functions use most or all of the following input parameters: * * inp
- 基于15谜的实现,使用了当前比较流行的A*算法,算法效率得到了保证-15 riddles-based realization, has used currently comparatively popular A* algorithm , algorithmic efficiency to have got guarantee
- FinanceAI is an open source project under the Ms-RL license with the goal of providing advanced Artificial Intelligence, Statistical and Mathematical tools for amateur and sophisticated investors. Once complete FinanceAI will be a complete algorithmi
- 子段和问题,经典的算法问题,实现的代码,自己做的试验,和大家分享下,希望对大家有帮助-Sub-segment and problems, classical algorithmic problems and realize the code, make their own experiments, and share with you, we want to help
- 二分搜索问题,经典的算法问题,实现的代码,自己做的试验,和大家分享下,希望对大家有帮助-Binary search problem, the classical algorithmic problems, implement the code, make their own experiments, and share with you, we want to help
- 装载问题,经典的算法问题,实现的代码,自己做的试验,和大家分享下,希望对大家有帮助-Loading problems, the classical algorithmic problems, implement the code, make their own experiments, and share with you, we want to help
- 解决鸡翁问题,经典算法问题,值得下载学习学习哦。-Solve the problem of chicken Weng, classical algorithmic problems, it is worth downloading to learn to learn, oh.
- This a PPT about Memetic Algorithmic Overview and SFLA Algorithm..Strongly Recommended-This is a PPT about Memetic Algorithmic Overview and SFLA Algorithm..Strongly Recommended...
- 模糊算法具有很强的数学逻辑性,将其用于图像处理中图像增强的研究-Fuzzy algorithm has a strong mathematical logic, to image enhancement for image processing research
- python的算法书,挺好的,可以下来看看,英文文字版的-Python Algorithms explains the Python approach to algorithm analysis and design. Written by Magnus Lie Hetland, author of Beginning Python, this book is sharply focused on classical algorithms, but it also gives a solid u
- 语音识别中的LPCC特征提取,其中包括经典的算法函数如DDurbin,协方差函数求法等,对学习提取特征参数非常有用。 -LPCC feature extraction in speech recognition, including classic algorithmic functions such as DDurbin covariance function evaluation method, the feature extraction parameters are very use
- 穷举法解决背包问题,对解决算法问题有帮助-The brute-force method to solve the knapsack problem to solve algorithmic problems
- Algorithmic_Trading_Winning_Strategies_and_Their_Rationale