- 1.Bios ID号2 Bios 类型3 Bios 日期4 OEM 信息5.主板芯片ID号读取代码以及dll 支持:win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP MS Visual Studio(vc,vb,etc.) Borland Builders(C++ builder, Delphi, JBuilder) 通过com-java桥, BiosNt能够用于Java2环境中Power Builder-1.Bios ID No. 2 Bios three types Bios date info
- DLL的静态调用程序,C++ builder制作 -DLL called static procedure, C builder production
- EasyD12动态连接库是Microsoft Windows的接口标准,流行的软件开发工具VC、VB、VF、Delphi、C++ Builder、Power Builder 等均可使用。用户可以选用自己喜爱的工具轻松搞定USB开发。其中包含2个版本DLL,根据情况自己选择。-EasyD12 dynamic link library is the Microsoft Windows interface standards, popular software development tools VC
- 用C++Builder实现的截包代码Dll是用BCB6写的,主EXE是用C++Builder2006。 -C Builder code of the latest package is BCB6 Dll wrote, EXE is the main C Builder2006.
- 这是我很早以前用C++Builder为某电信商做的一个网管程序,用SNMP监控硬件,用自定义协议管软件(要符合接口), 从父网也可直接监控子网, 每种硬件和软件都是用DLL接口,配置保存在数据库中,这是没有提供数据库及设计文档,我现在也找不到-this is a long time ago I used the C Builder for a carrier to do a network management procedures, using SNMP monitoring hardware
- 这是我看了一位朋友用c++ builder写的dll部分的代码后,自己用vc++6.0写的完整的窗口化*,目的只有一个就是满足渴望学习*制作的朋友的愿望,我也是刚开始写*,写的不好的地方还请包涵,我们大家多多交流交流. 附件说明: 国人当自强.rar是界面程序,负责启动和hook奇迹. ChinarenMU.rar是dll源程序,
- 这是一个c++builder的DLL开发应用,而且质量高而且本站没有的源码。
- This example program shows the basics of using the PIC-SERVO with NMCLIB03.DLL. It was created using Borland s C++ Builder. Source code is included.
- This example program shows the basics of using the PIC-STEP with NMCLIB03.DLL. It was created using Borland s C++ Builder. Source code is included.
- This example program uses function calls to PATHLIB4.DLL to create multi-segment paths of straight line and circular arc segments. It was created using Borland s C++ Builder. Source code is included.
- This example program shows how to create an multi-axis path with acceleration ramping. It uses low-level function calls to the PIC-SERVO CMC, rather than the higher level functions found in PATHLIB4.DLL. It was created using Borland s C++ Builder. So
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
- AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design
- Embarcadero RAD Studio XE 破解: 不需要像另一个破解方法中需要覆盖BDS.exe - Delphi XE Architect - C++Builder XE Architect - RadPHP XE - ER/Studio 8.5 Developer Edition - FinalBuilder 7 Embarcadero Edition 第一步: 安装序列号: MAAF-SPD7DK-BLAGAD-FEBN
- Borland C++Builder中动态链接库的创建和调用-Borland C++ Builder to create the dynamic link library and call
- 光盘内含C++数值分析动态连接库(包括动态库文件*.dll和入口库文件*.lib 及头文件*.h),分Visual C++和Borland C++(Builder)两个版本。另有一个曲线绘制程序Plot.exe 。 该库运行环境为Win95及以后各级操作系统。 该库所有内容为作者独创。-CD-ROM includes C++ numerical analysis of dynamic link library (including the dynamic librar
- C++Builder 编写的dll,vc作的界面 官方奇迹窗口化源码 C++Builder 编写的dll,vc作的界面 官方奇迹窗口化源码 -C++Builder 编写的dll,vc作的界面 官方奇迹窗口化源码 C++Builder 编写的dll,vc作的界面 官方奇迹窗口化源码 C++Builder 编写的dll,vc作的界面 官方奇迹窗口化源码
- 是本人写的一则HOOK入门学习的鼠标记录程序,对BCB下编程,HOOK入门会有较大的帮助,代码简洁明了,绝对是原创,唯一。包括两个文件夹:DLL 和Main,可直接编译,有问题者可加我QQ:542561233讨论。-this is an example for System-Hooking programing,I think it‘s brief enough for the steping-into hooking who use C++builder。if you have any que
- 键盘钩子,一个是生成钩子DLL的,一个是对其调用,C++ Builder ,学习资料,6。0版本以上-Keyboard hook, a hook DLL is generated, and one of its call, C++ Builder, learning materials, 6.0 version of the above
- 怎样在C++ Builder中创建使用D-How to create C++ Builder using the DLL