- This a Delphi implementation of the Windows Telephony headers. There s a test program that can monitor calls made with other TAPI enabled programs like Remote Access and can also dial calls. Also there s a mini-terminal that shows how to use TA
- The programming port of all the FP PLC’s support OPEN MEWTOCOL-COM. This is very useful when you want to monitor PLC values/bits or to set PLC values or bits via your COMPUTER. You can use any language such as Basic, C, Pascal, Assembler or even if o
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
- Visual Basic Com Port Monitor -Visual Basic Com Port Monitor
- winCOM组件接口源码 实时监听com口数据-component interface winCOM source of real-time monitor com port data
- 项目需求: 数字电视整转过程中,需要对多台同时进行授权操作的机顶盒的频道搜索、授权、机卡绑定操作进行监看。如果采用多台显示器进行监看比较麻烦,使用视音频切换器来进行切换观看的话,布线简单,节省时间。因此需要对切换器编程控制,减少操作的复杂度。 项目实现:利国1*8视音频切换器一台 编程工具为C++Builder。 -Project requirements: switch to digital TV the whole process, at the same time the n
- COM端口监听搜索程序VB源代码,vb语言编写-COM port to monitor the search process VB source code
- COM端口监听搜索程序VB源代码,查找本机可用的COM端口,并显示出端口信息,很实用的程序。-COM port to monitor the search process VB source code available to find the local COM port, and port information is shown, it is of practical procedures.
- 用VC^++实现多线程方式下的串行通信 摘要:结合实际工程,在VC 环境下通过采用创建事件对象来保持线程同步、利用两个监听函 数提高数据接收效率和可靠性等措施实现了多线程串行通信,完成了工程前端数据采集器与后台 计算机之间的数据传输。 关键词:串行通信;多线程;VC 中图分类号:TN919.3 文献标识码:A-Serial communication realization by multiple threads in VC++ ZH AN G W ei—gang。cH
- Com port monitor, send,receive,save data.
- 功能超强工业组态和GIS地图控件二合一 超值控件让你免费使用没有任何软件陷阱 特别适合项目未来的扩展性,无需重复开发 即使是一般编程水平也能快速开发出复杂软件,不花钱不需要为监控担心让监控变得真正简单 详情使用资料联系方式 Email:kdk911@163.com -Industrial configuration and functional super combo GIS map controls allow you free use of the control val
- 串口实时通信 可以监测采集记录串口数据。 只要简单修改,就可用到自己的程序中。 -Serial communication, monitor serial data
- 0-对串口选择及发送接收功能* 1-对声音高低控制* 2-静音功能* 3-对解霸3000\东方影都与Winamp控制* 4-设定快捷运行程序* 5-关闭显示器* 6-关闭电脑* 7-耳塞或音箱选择* 8-定时关机* 9-闹铃 10-鼠标控制 11-方向控制 12-模拟键盘控制 13-读取遥控指令* 13-要示具备SOD菜单功能*-0- serial choice and send receive capability* 1- on t
- RS485Comm串口监听,模拟收发,动态打开com1到com4四个com口-RS485Comm serial monitor, analog transceiver, dynamic open com1 to com4 four, com port
- CommMonitor3.11 串口监视精灵(无DLL版) -Serial CommMonitor3.11 Monitor Wizard (no DLL version)
- COM端口监听搜索程序VB源代码,有需要的就下载吧。-COM port to monitor search program VB source code, there is a need to download it.
- C# 监测当前网络连接状态,点击检测按钮即可检测是否连接到网络,将检测结果以弹出框的形式告之。经www.codefang.com测试,检测结果准确。C# to monitor the current network connection status, click the test button to test whether the connection to the network, the test results reported in the form of pop-up box. T
- 串口通信,收发数据,选择com口及设置波特率。-This requires Visual Studio 2010 to compile, which can be obtained free via C# Express. It is just a simple little application with basic support for text or binary (hex) modes to send and receive data. A nice feature or two
- 基于ATL COM组件实现的文件系统监控功能,有调用示例-ATL Component for file system monitor
API Monitor
- API监视器是一个软件,用来监视和显示API调用。 应用与服务。它是一个查看应用程序的强大工具。 和服务工作或跟踪你自己的问题。 应用. 这是API监视器的便携版,不需要安装就可以运行。(API Monitor is a software that monitors and displays API calls made by applications and services. Its a powerful tool for seeing how applications an