- Fast Algorithm estimating the number of sinusoids in a white Gaussian noise. This algorithm use a sub-space method based on chi-square statistics of eigen values of the Autocorrelation Matrix.
- 包含各种特殊的数学函数:伽马函数;误差函数; 贝塞尔函数;贝塔函数;正态分布函数 ;卡方分布函数以及各种积分函数-Includes a variety of special mathematical functions: Gamma function error function Bessel function Beta function normal distribution function chi-square distribution function, as well as
- 该文件是C#版的特殊数学函数计算公式,包括gamma函数、Stirling s formula,chi-square 等-C# version of the file is a special formula of mathematical functions, including the gamma function, Stirling' s formula, chi-square, etc.
- 包含各种特殊的数学函数:伽马函数;误差函数; 贝塞尔函数数;贝塔函数;正态分布函数 ;卡方分布函数以及各种积分函数 -Contains a variety of special mathematical functions: Gamma function error function the number of Bessel functions beta function normal distribution function chi-square distribution fu
- CHAID :(Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (or Detection, depending upon the source consulted), is an exploratory method used to study the relationship between a dependent variable and a series of predictor variables. CHAID modeling selects
- 文件为卡方选择1000个关键字的程序,欢迎大家下载-Program file select 1000 keywords chi-square
- 随机模拟和统计分析 max,min - 最大,最小值 sum - 求和 mean - 均值 std - 标准差 sort - 排序(升序) sortrows - 按某一列排序(升序) rand - [0,1]区间均匀分布随机数 randn - 标准正态分布随机数 randperm - 1...n 随机排列 regress - 线性回归 classify - 统计聚类 *trim - 坏数据祛除 *specrnd -
- 本体学习相关研究 (1)ConcepLearing 从文本中学习本体概念,使用中科院NLPIR进行分词(也有jieba分词版本的),然后在根据统计(互信息/卡方值)和Topic Model(PLSA)的方法进行实验对比。 -Ontology learning research (1) ConcepLearing learning ontology concept the text, use the CAS NLPIR word segmentation (also jieba Wo
- spd描述子,ACO算法匹配,文件中包含其他的描述子(形状上下文。。。),同时距离函数包括欧式距离和卡方距离(The SPD descr iptor matches the ACO algorithm, and the file contains other descr iptors (shape context) At the same time, the distance function includes Euclidean distance and chi square distance
- generate Weibull distribution from the uniform distribution and compare it with Matlab built-in function then test the goodness of fit using generated chi-square and Matlab built-in function
- Contains Turbo Pascal procedures which compute a variety of statistical distribution functions. The distributions include the Beta, Log Gamma, Incomplete Gamma, F, t, Chi-square, and Normal distributions.
- 数据处理中常用到卡方校验算法,在MATLAB中编辑卡方校验算法(Chi square check algorithm is commonly used in data processing, and the chi square check algorithm is edited in MATLAB)