- 岩体非连续变形分析,该部分的作用是前处理:数据准备和划分网格。-Discontinuous deformation analysis of rock mass, the part of the role is to pre-processing: data preparation and classification of the grid.
- 光伏并网逆变器的孤岛效应抑制控制长期以来一直都备受公共事业和发电设备管理者的关注,由于其安全危险源和设备损坏的潜在性。因此必须抑制光伏并网系统中孤岛效应的影响。-A combined grid-connection/power factor correction technique for a photovoltaic (PV) system is proposed in this letter. The maximum power point tracking DC/DC converte
- pscad仿真环境中的直驱永磁风力机整流侧仿真模型,可应用于直流微电网中直驱风机的仿真-the simulation environment pscad in direct-drive permanent magnet wind turbine rectifier simulation model can be applied to direct-drive wind turbine simulation of DC micro-grid
- 电子镇流器是将市电经整流滤波后,再经DC/AC电源变换器(逆变)产生高频电压点亮灯管。其特点是灯管点燃前高频高压,灯管点燃后高频低压(灯管工作电压)。目前最广泛使用的是具有电压馈电半桥式逆变器类型的电子镇流器。现以该类型逆变器为例,介绍电子镇流器的电路组成和工作原理。-Electronic ballast is the grid after rectifying filter, then through a DC/AC power converter (inverter) produce hig
- 三相背靠背交流直流交流simulink仿真模型,采用PWM调制,电压闭环控制-VSC1 controls DC link voltage (Vdc 680 V)and VSC power factor on 60 Hz grid (PF 1.0)PWM frequency 33*60 1980 Hz VSC2 controls load voltage (VLL 380 Vrms 50 Hz) PWM frequency 2000 Hz
- this file is simulation of multi input dc dc buck converter that uses to join micro grid to grid. in this file this file runs in matlab 2010.
- 船舶直流电网相关文献,可以帮助很好理解船舶直流电网,非常有帮助(The relevant literatures of the ship DC power network can help to understand the ship's DC power grid very well.)
- 单相逆变并网电路的主电路与控制电路的 simulink 拓扑结构图, 主电路由直流源、 mosfet 全桥、 LC 无源滤波器、 负载 R1、 R2 组成, 其中 R1 为 恒定负载, R2 为仿真负载突变并入的。 控制电路为 SPWM 闭环调制, 通过检测输出端的电压有效值通过 PI 控制器反 馈回控制端使输出电压尽可能为一个优质的正弦波且有效值在 220V 左右, 频率 为 50Hz, 根据相关准则输出电压波形 THD 应在 5%以内。(The Simulink topology
- In this file Dynamic simulation of the IEEE 14 bus test case network, with physical synchronous machine models and photovoltaic inverters (renewable sources).is done in eigenvalue m file. A delta delta transformer modeling is done in the deltadelt
- 微电源为光伏发电单元,储能设备是蓄电池作,当光伏电池工作在最大功率点,满足蓄电池和负荷供电的情况下,系统能量仍有剩余时,经过变换器向大电网输送能量;当光伏电池工作在最大功率点、蓄电池工作在最大放电模式仍不能满足负荷需求时,应由交流大电网向直流微电网补充能量。(Micro power supply for the photovoltaic power generation unit, a storage device is a storage battery, when the photovolt
6.dc micro grid
- d.c micro grid systems using pv systems module
- 用于微电网(直流交流)中蓄电池和电网的连接,蓄电池可充可放(Two way DC/DC converter, can be used in micro-grid to connect battery)
- 该程序为MATLAB的m文件,用于设计单相LCL并网逆变器控制器参数,控制方式为电容电流和入网电流控制方式,只需输入LCL滤波参数和直流侧电压可计算出双闭环控制器参数。(The program is the m file of MATLAB, which is used to design the controller parameters of the single-phase LCL grid connected inverter. The control mode is the contr
- 输电网潮流及状态估计计算程序牛拉,高塞,PQ,直流等各种程序(The cow pull grid trend and state estimation calculation program, high plug, PQ, dc and other procedures)
- 仿真模型模拟了直流微电网运行机理及其运行效果(The operation mechanism of dc micro-grid is simulated)
- 给不想花费大量时间用Visio画图的人,文件包括组串式,集中式,直流模块式,主从结构等光伏阵列构成图,及单相单极式光伏并网逆变器电路图等内容。(For those who don't want to spend a lot of time drawing with Visio, the files include cluster-type, centralized, DC-module, master-slave structure and other photovoltaic arrays,
Max Mixed Hedging DC
- 混合,配对交易, 网格,(但只有对冲), 货币对的直接(正)相关, 混合的,多货币对冲。(Mixed, paired transactions, Grid (but only hedging) The direct (positive) correlation of monetary pairs, Mixed, multi-currency hedging.)
- 1kw左右永磁直驱风机并网模型;带有低电压穿越;穿越方式是电阻耗能型,控制直流母线电压下降。(The grid-connected model of permanent magnet direct drive fan around 1kw; with low voltage crossing; the crossing mode is resistance energy dissipation type, which controls the DC bus voltage drop.)