- 3DRect.h和3DRect.cpp中包含了用于绘制3D矩形的C3DRect类。将其添加到你的工程中,适当添加#include \"3DRect.h\",就可以直接使用了。可以自由设置斜切边宽度。-3DRect.h and 3DRect.cpp contains 3D rendering for the rectangular C3DR ect category. To add them to your project, the addition of appropriate # includ
- MATLAB-functions used in Space-Time Project Simulation-MATLAB-functions used in Space-Time Proj ect Simulation
- 文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette
- Adaptive Signal Processing tutorial project-Adaptive Signal Processing tutorial proj ect
- to use an ActiveX control in your Win32 Project without MFC with CreateWindowEx or in a dialog box-to use an ActiveX control in your Win32 Proj ect without MFC with CreateWindowEx or in a dial og box
- This a simple application that allows you to download a file from a web page (Visual C++ project files).-This a simple application that allows yo u to download a file from a web page (Visual C proj ect files).
- MyGiftPiano_32位汇编在WINDOWS环境下做成的一个钢琴模拟软件 这是我送给我一个好友的一个作品,是在学习自学了32位汇编语言后做 的。比较简单,效果却很不错!内有源代码、MAKE工具、MAKEFILE文件 等说明。值得一读。-MyGiftPiano_is a 32 bit assebler software using for piano simulation in Windows system. This is a project after I learned the 32
- mc9s12hy输入捕获输出比较
- TI-CC1110的基础应用,包括radio,flash,PM,cc1110 base application,include radio,flash,pm,ect.
- This mainly about the Fat32/16 s specification and some instructions about build the USB Disk ect. -This mainly about the Fat32/16 s specification and some instructions about build the USB Disk ect.
- geotool 地理信息工具包.可以用于geotiff shape等文件的读取-tools for gis。usered to read geotiff shaoe .ect
- 用串口类CSerial为某公司做的一个串口调试的工具,它可以解析输入的命令,用户可以象使用超级终端一样使用它。我在这里面使用了加载前奏,密码保护功能,多线程加载升级软件,CRC32校验等技巧。-A example code for CSerial class s application. It can be used as super terminal. It s be implemented by code protection, multithread upgrade, CRC32 chec
- ** Professional Address Book** This shows the use of database. This is an address book with password protection, ect-** Professional Address Book** This shows the use of database. This is an address book with password protection, ect...
- antivirus for kill virus worm,autorun ect.
- A matlab toolbox for matlab. contains a GUI program that can convert different unit systems ect
- 功能很强大的图像处理软件,包括图像复原,图像增强,图像二值化等等功能-Function is very powerful image processing software, including image restoration, image enhancement, image binary function ect
- ext 界面美观,功能强大.做后台很适用-ext, it s power and beatiful ect
- 视频编码标准 包括有《MpeG JPeg等比较常见的标准的编码标准基本的模块信息-video compress h.264/Mjpeg1/Mlpeg2/ h.263 video compress standered introduce and basic construction compse of DCT huffman encode and RLC and VLC ME and MC ect
- 利用CDateTime类可使时间在某一时刻(即某年某月某日某时某分某秒)和一唯一整数间转换,对于计算时标,时差等应用很有帮助.-you can use CDateTime class to implement transformation bwtween time and one interger.it is helpful to calculate time stamp and subtract,ect.
- VC锁定远程计算机、获取屏幕、控制鼠标等实例源码 VC锁定远程计算机、获取屏幕、控制鼠标等实例源码-VC lock remote computer capscreen srccode ect,VC lock remote computer capscreen srccode ect,VC lock remote computer capscreen srccode ect,VC lock remote computer capscreen srccode ect.