- 功能很强大的,没有任何控件绝对免费的基于WEB的ERP管理+人力资源-Function is very powerful, there is no control is absolutely free of ERP based on the WEB management+ Human resources
- 东时方短信平台源码(winForm) 东时方短信平台适用于大中小型企业、商场、酒店等,面向企事业单位开发的短信收发系统。 主要提供短信网关,短信接口, 网站接口以及 OA 、 CRM 、 ERP 、 SCM 、等系统及B2B大型网站平台使用。 接入方式可灵活使用,24小时发送,多条通道备用。保证客户短信的下发速度和质量-Dong Fang SMS platform when the source code (winForm) East side messaging platfo
- EXCEL数据导入到SQL中,WEB版本的。原来是开发导入到ERP中生成订单使用的-NO
- WEB ERP 国外知名网上ERP,可以实现远程模登录和控制数据库-WEB ERP foreign well-known online ERP, you can login and remote control database model
- 甘特图(Gantt chart )又叫横道图、条状图(Bar chart)。它是以图示的方式通过活动列表和时间刻度形象地表示出任何特定项目的活动顺序与持续时间。 Ext Gantt甘特图(asp.net版)是基于Extjs核心库的开发的,基于WEB浏览器的甘特图解决方案。可应用于项目管理系统、生产执行系统(MES)、资源管理 系统(ERP)或其它的任务资源分配相关领域的应用程序的。Ext Gantt甘特图完全兼容Extjs语法,熟悉Extjs可以轻易上手。 Ext Gantt
- 一个web版的进销存管理系统,进货,存货,销货一应俱全-A web version of the inventory management system,Purchase, inventory, sales, ranging
- 龙博甘特图控件(Web版)源码 特图(Gantt chart )又叫横道图、条状图(Bar chart)。它是以图示的方式通过活动列表和时间刻度形象地表示出任何特定项目的活动顺序与持续时间。 Ext Gantt甘特图是基于Extjs核心库的开发的,基于WEB浏览器的甘特图解决方案。可应用于项目管理系统、 生产执行系统(MES)、资源管理 系统(ERP)或其它的任务资源分配相关领域的应用程序的。Ext Gantt甘特图完全兼容Extjs语法,熟悉Extjs可以轻易上手。 Ext Gantt甘特
- ASP的web 进销存源码,带一个智能端口映射工具。亲测可用。-Web ASP Invoicing source code, with a smart port mapping tool. Pro test available.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Web Application written in C#
- 基于Asp.Net MVC4.0 + WebAPI + Knockout 技术,采用EasyUI为前台开发展示UI,Knockout主要负责前端的逻辑交互,再结合jQuery Ajax进行提交数据请求,最新企业进销存管理系统源码分享,C#程序.net erp easyui mvc4项目代码,B/S框架开发,采用web easy ui开发框架,网站完全开源无任何加密,可直接使用或进行二次开发,Asp.net MVC架构开发(asp.net mvc + web api + easyui)(Asp.N
- FrontAccounting (FA) is a web accounting management system for enterprise ERP supply chain. FA allows multi-user, multilingual and multinational currencies. FA continues the development of OpenAccounting (OA), a software that has stopped developing,
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
支持Plugin的Delphi ERP框架程序
- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
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- Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing mana
- The Open Source ERP is a web based ERP. The software contains a web interface for administration of the system and an Active Directory based on Samba resp. a groupware based on Sogo. It can be used as SBS for sharing data via Webdav and SMB and ad