- 完成M=4的正交信号的数字通信系统的蒙特卡罗仿真。分析其在加性高斯白噪声下误码率与信噪比之间的关系,绘出误码率-信噪比曲线图,并和物理曲线进行比较。-The completion of M = 4 orthogonal signals in Monte Carlo simulation of digital communication systems. Analysis of the additive white Gaussian noise bit error rate and signal
- 使用通信工具箱进行理论分析和仿真,误码率在AWGN信道的结果,可以扩展到通用 M-QAM,测量以及使用稍作修改 -BER of OFDM using 16-QAM in AWGN using communication toolbox theoretical and simulated BER are in good agreement in AWGN channel the result can be extended to general M-QAM using slight mod