- This an example how to pack the driver into resources. Tested under: Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003. ______________________ Four-F, four-f@mail.ru-This an example how to pack the driver into resources. Tested under: Windows 2000, XP and
- 烈火之家整站程序 本程序集商业娱乐一体,本来是给自己用的但是我的国外空间支持不够好,就送给大家了. 1. 栏目包括 最新信息,下载,影音娱乐,作品展示,定制业务,支持服务,留言,关于本站. 2.管理员密码采用md5加密. 3.后台功能强大所有栏目采用后台统一管理. 4.支持ubb代码及无组件上传 5.为减轻数据库负担,影视娱乐和其他栏目分开采用2个数据库在data目录下 后台用户名 admin 密码 admin 内容应该是比较全了,有什么问题大家提出来共同学习呀 演示地址 http://www.
- An example of registering a new e-mail address with MAIL.RU web mail (for educational purposes only)
- KernelSocketsModule is intended to provide the simple common network programming interface in kernel mode without dependence on target operating system. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 it uses TDI-implementation, on Windows Vista, Windows Serve
- File Attribute Changer. Author Enzo (enzo_amd@mail.ru). The source program designed to change the attributes of a file, folder, file groups, group folders.
- LIB Search. Author Konstantin Kovalev (Janom) (kovalev-kv@mail.ru). The source program that shows how to create a program and DLL-library to it to search for files, both a specific directory and all directories of all drives available on your PC. -
- Klop Copy. Author klop (klopSoft@mail.ru). The source program that shows how to create a software package including a streaming file copy application and the installation program that works with compressed RAR archives.