- A 2by3 MIMO model using Simulink. The decoder uses zero forcing algorithm. Set in the workspace the modulation order (QAM modulation), Doppler shift, SNR in dB, bit rate, sample per frame, max number of bits and max number of errors before running th
- MUSIC 算法MATLAB仿真源代码 clc clear all format long %将数据显示为长整型科学计数 N=200;%快拍数 doa=[20 60]/180*pi; %信号到达角 w=[pi/4 pi/3]';%信号频率 M=10;%阵元数 P=length(w); %信号个数 lambda=150;%波长 d=lambda/2;%阵元间距 snr=20;%信噪比 B=zeros(P,M); %创建一个P行M列的0矩阵 for k=1:P B