- 用来产生均匀分布或高斯分布的伪随机数 (近似白噪声),它们可具有不同的均值和方差。用REMEZ算法求交错点组。用Cholesky分解求ARMA模型的参数并作谱估计。求MA模型的参数 并估计功率谱。 用最小方差法估计序列 的功率谱。-used to produce uniform or Gaussian distribution of the pseudo-random number (similar to white noise). They may have a different mean
- VMKit is the composition of three libraries:1) MVM: mostly a garbage collector2) JnJVM: a Java Virtual Machine implemented with MVM and LLVM3) N3: a CLI implementation with MVM and LLVM
- 基于MNM,MEM,MVM三种算法方位估计DOA估计对比,不同信噪比的对比 -MNM,MEM,MVM, DOA
snr、阵元数、阵列间距对DOA算法的影响- 副本
- 信噪比,阵列间距,阵元数,快拍数对DOA估计中的MVM、MEM、MNM、FBLP算法的影响(The influence of signal-to-noise ratio, array spacing, array element number and snapshot number on MVM, MEM, MNM and FBLP algorithms in DOA estimation)