- This a online education system that has not been completed yet.We have a long way to go to consummate this system.Let s work hard together and obtain more and more knowledge !-This a online education system that has n ot been completed yet.We have a
- 有源码事例,还有说明.一看就明白, 一,把\"HGB.dll\"和\"hgbguanligongcheng.dll\"复制到系统文件夹\"\\WINDOWS\\system32\"下. 二,新建一VB标准EXE,在\"工程\\引用\"下点击浏览把\"\\WINDOWS\\system32\"下的\"hgbguanligongcheng.dll\" 引用进来. 三,在窗体里声明一个对象变量yy Dim yy As New hgbgu
- This package contains the MATLAB code for the algorithm proposed in the following papers. The file \"mimo_main.m\" is the implementation of the algorithm in the papers. The goal of this Matlab scr ipt is to identify a MIMO system with white input
- Synaptics电容式触摸芯片OT的IIC完整参考代码,可直接移植到各种嵌入式系统中。-Synaptics capacitive touch chip OT complete reference of the IIC code, can be directly transplanted to a wide variety of embedded systems.
- his little function rounds a number (or the elements of a vector ot matrix) towards the nearest number with N significant digits. Examples: roundsd(0.012345,3) returns 0.0123 roundsd(12345,2) returns 12000 This is a useful complement
- 关于无线传感器网络的路由算法研究,在能量均衡上的经典LEACH算法,用matlab进行的仿真,能够实现!-Abstract: The distributed wireless sensor net work and the technol ogy of wireless communicati on could realize the subsidence monit oring and measuring in coalmine goaf . One of the i mportant r
- good filez for very good stuff. Interesting code that can be used al ot . Thank you very much
- Copy ot the seashore project hosted in sourceforge.net
- support vector machines
- 自适应正交实验结果方差和极差分析表,可以适用于任何列数和行数的正交实验表--常见的正规实验设计表和多因子非等水平数的正交表-self-adaptive othogonal experiment design result analysis.
- Several matlab Mfiles for the simulation of stochastic processes in finance and engineering, wienner, random walk, brownian motion, two gamble etc. in addition ot solution to forward and backward Chapmann-Kolmogorov equation-Several matlab Mfiles for
- to be or ot esiton the tis nobleer in the mindf tito be that s the qu-to be or ot esiton thethe tis nobleer in the mindf tito be that s the qu
- 开发C/S系统时,最大弱点就是不利于维护,当客户端程序更新时不得不到每个用户的机子上去部署。虽然其它还有很多方案来解决这种问题,但是它们的组件的配置置和使用相对地麻烦。本程序采用传统的自动更新的程序,能够自动检测版本并自动升级,并且是通用的,只要把它加入到你的方案中即可,但需要提供一个WEB服务器。 -Development of C/S system, the greatest weakness is not conducive to the maintenance, when the c
- 采用协 同和带压缩因子的粒子群改进算法求解Ot su 阈值, 通过分别用改进粒子群算法和标准粒子群算法对lena 测试图像 的实验表明, 前者相较于后者有更高的精度-With the use of synergies and improved compression factor of the particle swarm algorithm Ot su threshold, respectively, by using the improved PSO and PSO standard
- IP-routing [pa IPRouting1-scenario1-atm_vc_routes_dump.gdf IPRouting1-scenario1-conv_flow_routes.gdf IPRouting1-scenario1.dev32.i0.nt.dll 14.3 IPRouting1-scenario1.ef 2.6 kB 2/13/06, IPRouting1-scenario1.nt.log 6.6 kB IPRouting
- This the 4 bit VHDL CODE which is a synchronous clock divider is added to provide the delay ot this circuit-This is the 4 bit VHDL CODE which is a synchronous clock divider is added to provide the delay ot this circuit
- 施耐德变频器 产线 工时 产能 效率等数据库报告程序IE KE LT OT UT DT-SSD report production IE KE OT UT DT etc
- ABY有效地结合了基于算术共享,布尔共享和姚氏混乱电路的安全计算方案,并在安全的双方计算中提供了最佳实践解决方案。它允许预先计算几乎所有的加密操作,并使用我们在GitHub上提供的OT扩展库,基于预先计算的不间断传输扩展,在安全计算方案之间提供新颖,高效的转换。 ABY支持多种标准操作并提供示例应用程序。 该代码作为实验实现提供,用于测试目的,不应在生产环境中使用。我们不能保证安全性和正确性。(ABY effectively combines the arithmetic based on
- good very good good good
- This Onetapv3 dll`saspdaposdojastfguyewrgiorhytutyitfdrtaw(is Onetapv3 dll`sedqwdihwahtrfeuig hlisfaukryb8 uwegfesryr wa)