光孤子传输特性模拟 在光纤通信中,光脉冲信号在光纤中传输的过程中会受到色散、损耗和非线性等作用的影响而不断地发生演化和畸变。脉冲演化的规律遵循非线性薛定谔方程(NLSE)。由于NSLE 在一般情况下无法求得它的解析解,因此通常需采要用数值方法来求解,最终归结于求解归一化的NLSE。本文使用了分步傅里叶方法对归一化NLSE 进行了求解,并模拟了输入为一到三阶双曲正割光脉冲条件下光脉冲传输演变情况。-soliton In optical fiber communications, the optic
it is to have the analysis of 3 D analysis of optical ofdm-it is to have the analysis of 3 D analysis of optical ofdm
RA 码及其在通信系统中的应用研究确良:重复累积码;简化译码算法;高斯估计;比特交织编码调制;光纤通
信;码率兼容码;Turbo 码交织器-RA Code and Its Application in Communication System does good: repeat accumulate codes simplify the decoding algorithm Gaussian estimation Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation op
选取适合的半导体光放大器模型,用Matlab对SOA动态特性进行模拟仿真-Select suitable semiconductor optical amplifier model, the dynamic characteristics of SOA simulation with Matlab
同学的毕业设计,用matlab编的关键帧提取的代码,参考了光流法的代码。是基于帧差的欧式距离,均值,方差,差异系数下的关键帧提取。代码调试通过,运行结果理想,与大家分享下-Students graduating from the design using matlab key frame extraction code, reference optical flow method code. Frame difference is based on the Euclidean distance,
optical flow with algorithm in matlab
Matlab与VPI联合仿真光OFDM传输系统,其中VPI只完成光纤传输其余都用matlab完成。系统包括了上下变频,clipping等模块。-Matlab co-simulation with VPI optical OFDM transmission system, wherein the optical fiber transmission VPI only complete rest are completed using matlab. System includes a down c
Descr iption
OSCAR is an optical FFT code used to calculate the steady state optical field circulating in Fabry Perot cavities. The code can integrate non-sperical mirrors and any arbitrary input fields. Recent applications for OSCAR have been: ca
包括脚本文件和函数文件形式,与理论分析结果相比,图像的光流法计算的matlab程序。- Including scr ipt files and function files in the form, Compared with the results of theoretical analysis, Image optical flow calculation matlab program.
结合PCA的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法,各种kalman滤波器的设计,图像的光流法计算的matlab程序。- Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, Various kalman filter design, Image optical flow calculation matlab program.
几种光学衍射程序和图形,可以应用在物理光学中(the program and figure in optical is introdued with matlab,and it can be used in physics)