- CP2101 Macintosh OSX Driver v1.00 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2004 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. -CP2101 Macintosh OSX Driver PSP Release Notes Copyright (C) 2004 Silicon Laboratories , Inc..
- 医学数字影像和通讯(DICOM) Release Notes for DICOM PS 3 - 2006. 最新2006英文版,医学影像及通讯软件开发人员必备-medical digital imaging and communications (DICOM) Release Notes for DICOM PS 3-2006. The latest 2006 edition of medical imaging and communications software developme
- Tornado 的manuals 很全面,国内的书大部分是翻译的它。经常需要查阅的。Tornado Online Manuals GDB User s Guide GNU Make User s Guide GNU Toolchain Release Notes GNU Toolkit User s Guide for Pentium GNU Toolkit User s Guide for Simulators, 68K, and SH
- Wavecom OpenAT development tool release notes
- This sample provides a generic example of a PCI IDE minidriver. The sample isolates vendor-specific code from the higher-level PCI IDE bus driver, much as SCSI minidrivers isolate code from the SCSI port driver. See the Release Notes section for more
- Release Notes for IDT77222/252 Windows NDIS5 ATM Device Driver, version 1.3
DockPanel Suite 2.5.0
- DockPanel Suite 2.5.0 Release Notes 1. Fix Bug [2149926]: Can't resize document marked as HideOnClose when one of a set of side by side documents is closed (patch 3118287 from Agiel). 2. Fix Bug [2792816]: Changing the DockBackColor at design time do
- IT++ 4.0.6 is the next maintenance release of the current IT++ stable branch (itpp-4-0). It fixes all the reported and noticed bugs since IT++ 4.0.5 was released and adds a few other minor modifications as described in the release notes.
- visual leak detector -Visual Leak Detector (VLD) Version 1.9b (beta) Change Log/Release Notes 1.9d beta (12 November 2006) ---------------------------- Bugs Fixed: + Failed assertion "freed == TRUE" pops up when running a pro
- The latest official release of FFTW is version 3.2.1, available from our download page see the release notes for what s new. (Subscribe to the fftw-announce mailing list to get release announcements.) This release has better threading support, f
- 卡巴斯基软件源代码泄露 卡巴斯基的安全套装产品之一的源代码已经泄露,并可以从网上下载(压缩包大小约300MB)。并称,源代码涉及的版本是Kaspersky Internet Security 8.0/2009的一个测试版。 该代码是C + +和Delphi编写的,涵盖反病毒引擎,以及反钓鱼,反拨号器,防垃圾邮件,家长控制等模块。据包内的发行说明,被泄露的源码是卡巴斯基实验室在2008年和过去所做的更改从2007年12月他们的日期。 这里提供的是该源代码包内包含的AVZ部分
- xcode 4 release notes
- 一款VB 工具,能够反编译VB5/VB6的源码-RELEASE NOTES- Version 3.3a ============================ VB RezQ provides an accurate framework on which you can rebuild your VB application. It identifies all the source files, recovers the project file, the grap
- 本软件根据客户需求 统计分析历史彩票号码 简单预测可能号码,分按位统计出号规律与按组(多期)号码统计历史出号概率,源码中还有根据录入数据 查询历史数据中该数据 之后出现的号码提供动态设置功能已经注释 可取消注释释放出来 pb11.5+access数据库实现 内附说明文档以及数据库 -The software is based on statistical analysis of historical customer demand forecasting lottery numbers ma
- CP210x Windows Driver v4.20 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2004 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. This release contains the following components: * unin98.exe * uninstall.exe
- CP210x Windows Driver v4.20 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2004 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. This release contains the following components: * unin98.exe * uninstall.exe
- CP210x Windows Driver v4.20 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2004 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. This release contains the following components: * unin98.exe * uninstall.exe
- Release Notes for PICDEM(TM) FS USB Starter Kit
- MTK-OpenWrt-3.10.14-SDK 开发文档(MTK-OpenWrt-3.10.14-SDK Release Notes)
- Phased Array System Toolbox Release Notes,从mathworks官网下载,希望对大家有帮助(Phased Array System Toolbox Release Notes,Downloaded from the MathWorks website, I hope to help you)