- 这是简单Directmedia层,提供低 级别来访问音频,键盘,鼠标,操纵杆,通过OpenGL三维硬件, 跨多个平台和2D帧缓冲。-This is the Simple DirectMedia Layer, a general API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D framebuffer across mult
- insight3D 安装资源,包括opencv - opengl - SDL - libxml2 (to parse xml files) libgtk+-2.0 -insight3D installation resources, including opencv- opengl- SDL- libxml2 (to parse xml files) libgtk+-2.0
- SDL是一个用来写多媒体软件源码的多平台库, 通过多平台对一般 音频, 键盘, 鼠标, 手柄, 3D OpenGL硬加速, 2D fraamebuffer 进行支持的API,常用于游戏源码与模拟器. 此源代码,是一个ffor Visual C++6.0版本源代码 -SDL is used to write multimedia software source multi-platform library, multi-platform general audio, keyboard, mo
- 利用SDL实现一个桌面小游戏,涂鸦跳跃。SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是一套开放源代码的跨平台多媒体开发库,使用C语言写成。-use SDL to make a game name noodle jumper About SDL Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, ke