- 数字图像的边缘检测是图像分割、目标区域的识别、区域形状提取等图像分析领域十分重要的基础-Digital Image Edge detection is image segmentation, identification of the target region, regional shape extraction image analysis based on the importance of field
- 经典的Harris角点检测算法经过改进的VC代码,可以用来提取灰度图象的特征点,用于匹配,运动估计,光流计算,形状分析等。-classic Harris corner detection algorithm improved VC code, Gray can be used to extract image feature points for the match, motion estimation, optical flow, shape analysis.
- 经典的SUSAN角点检测算法经过改进的VC代码,可以用来提取灰度图象的特征点,用于匹配,运动估计,光流计算,形状分析等。- The classical SUSAN vertex examination algorithm after the improvement VC code, may use for to withdraw the gradation image characteristic point, uses in to match, the movement estimated
- 图像识别与处理,可以进行各种图像的处理与识别,包括颜色、形状处理。-image recognition and processing, various image processing and recognition, including color, shape processing.
- 所谓基于内容图像的检索是指由图像分析软件对输入的图像先进行图像分析,根据图像中物体或区域的颜色(color)、形状(shape)或纹理(texture)等特征以及这些特征的组合,自动抽取特征,在将输入图像存入图像库的同时将其相应的特征向量也存入与图像库相连的特征库。-so-called content-based image retrieval is by image analysis software on the importation of the first images for ima
- 不规则按钮控件,可以自己换按钮图片,按钮会根据图片形状来边界来更改按钮形状。-Irregular button control, you can change your button image, button to the border under the picture to change the shape of the button shape.
- 实现默认水晶按纽,可通过backgroundimage属性调整按纽形状与背景图一致,图片透明颜色请用RGB(255,0,255),默认加载的图片为4张图,表示:Normal\Hover\Down\Disable,Crystal to achieve the default button, the properties can be adjusted through the button backgroundimage shape consistent with the background im
- 人脸视频图像编码是近年来图像编码领域里的一个研究热点问题,它在通信、互联网等方面有着广泛的应用前景。人脸图像编码的研究包含很多子问题,主要的三个方面为:精确的人脸目标定位算法,实时的人脸目标跟踪算法和高效的人脸图像编码方法。本文的主要研究工作在于: 1) 提出帧间差分和背景差分相结合的人脸目标定位算法,在人脸特征选择上,主要使用形状特征,通过椭圆拟合来得到人脸的位置。 2) 采用基于Kalman滤波的运动预测方法对人脸的区域变化进行预测,以此缩小目标可能存在的区域(ROI).-Facial vi
- 这个程序将图像变为二值化图像,然后对图像进行形状的特征提取,算法很全,包含多种图像形状提取方式。-image of this procedure into two binary images, and then to shape the image feature extraction algorithm is very full, Shape mixture of images extraction methods. -This process the image into a binary
- 這是一個可以自動尋找图像中的長方形, 正方形, 圓形, 菱形的程式-1- Read the RGB (colored) image in from user. 2- Convert image from (RGB) colored to gray image. 3- Threshold the image (convert gray image to binary image). 4- Invert the binary image (in order to speed
- This functions displays GUI for selecting square or rectangular part of the input image IMG. To perform selection user must click mouse twice: at two corners of the selection area. User can change the shape at any moment, even when first point
- Content Based Image Retrieval
- defect detection, size and shape recognition in magnetic flaw using wavelet decomposition presented
- 基于颜色和形状特征的图像检索,有打开检索图片,打开库,开始检索,图片按相似度排列。-Based on color and shape characteristics of image retrieval
- 在Button上设置透明PNG图片,根据图片可显示任意形状button-Set transparent PNG image on Button, the button can be displayed according to any shape image
- 基于颜色形状纹理特征的图像检索,matlab界面,corel库,原创程序。-Image retri based on color shape texture feature, matlab interface, corel library, original program.
- 简单的检测一幅图像中是否有正方形长方形圆及三角形,一幅图图像中可以有很多图形,但是竖直方向不能重合-Simple detect whether an image of a circle and a square rectangle triangle, a picture can have a lot of graphic images, but can not overlap in the vertical direction
- 在代码中,提取图像的形态,进行骨架线的提取。-In code, extract the shape of the image, the extraction of skeleton line.
- 易语言绘制形状图片源码例程程序结合易语言GDIPlus类模块,调用API函数绘制各种形状图片。 点评:易语言绘制形状图片源码是易语言GDIPlus类的应用实例。-Easy to draw the shape image source language routine program combined with easy language GDIPlus class module, call the API function to draw various shapes picture
- image segmentation, active contours, shape prior