- API calls interception is the task that allows you to get access to some parts of others programs. Lots of programmers spend time developing and describing various methods that allow that access. Such methods are used in many anti-virus and anti-spyw
- 管理系统是一个适用于中小型超市管理的软件,没有用户数量限制,主要特点:1所有商品进出可直接扫描(包括进货、零售、盘盈盘亏等处理)。 2支持钱箱功能、零售票据打印功能。3支持多仓区管理。4售货员暂时离开时可以锁屏,必须有密码才可以打开。 5对库存过高或过低时报警。6.不同操作人员设置不同的权限,实现分工明确,严格限制操作员操作权限,避免泄密。7.对顾客发会员卡,在电脑里建立会员资料,记录会员消费信息。实现对常客的管理,顾额在结算可选择普通顾额及会员,若为会员时自动按会员价结算 8.可将供应商、商品
- 用SHELL编写的快速进入linux不同目录的程序。可记录20个目录,可选择快速进入。-SHELL prepared with quick access to different directories linux programs. It can record 20 directory, choose quick access.
- 本文提出了一种在获取图像低层视觉特征的基础上,利用语义网络对 图像进行语义自动分类,并在此基础上引入相关反馈技术,使图像的低级 物理特征和高级语义特征联系起来的算法,通过人一机协同工作,来弥补 计算机理解能力的不足,不断提高检索效果。 -In this paper, a low-level access to images based on visual characteristics, the use of semantic networks semantic image au
- 文件访问权限测试程序源码,通过修改ACL的方式实现-Access to test procedures document source, by modifying the way ACL
- Crime File System is a system used to report crimes. This project will be done using VB 6.0 as front end, and MS Access as back end. It can used to report crime. This project is mainly useful for police stations. This system will help to manage all t
- this article is about a simple database built in Microsoft Access and C#. to explore : the end user doesn t need to install any SQL servers, he just needs executable binary and *.mdb file, i.e. connecting to *.mdb file, read/write data, using dat
- ATMEGA8Restore2FactoryDefault Factory Default to the Atmega8 when you can t access to the chip.
- VBIO is a freeware VBX that allows you to get and set file- and disk-information, you normally don t have access to.
- 一卡通管理系统 使用ADO控件及data控件对Access数据库文件的连接,并通过使用数据控件在vb环境下连接数据库,实现了一卡通管理端的主要业务,该软件实现校园卡在学校日常营业、管理业务,其功能包括以下几个部分: (1) 通卡管理:实现卡的基本管理,包括成批办卡、撤销卡、补办卡等; (2) 帐户管理:实现对卡上金额的管理,包括用户基本信息修改、挂失、解挂等基本操作,保证校园通卡在学校内部的正常、安全使用; (3) 查询统计:系统提供查询方式,可以满足消费个人、以及操作员等
- 任务:参加运动会有n个学校,学校编号为1……n。比赛分成m个男子项目,和w个女子项目。项目编号为男子1……m,女子m+1……m+w。不同的项目取前五名或前三名积分;取前五名的积分分别为:7、5、3、2、1,前三名的积分分别为:5、3、2;哪些取前五名或前三名由学生自己设定。(m<=20,n<=20) 功能要求: 1)可以输入各个项目的前三名或前五名的成绩; 2)能统计各学校总分, 3)可以按学校编号或名称、学校总分、男女团体总分排序输出; 4)可以按学校编号查询学
- The lesson marks are added together on the individual Student Course Reports as the course progresses. Students don’t have access to their lesson marks as they are added together, but
- 湿度传感器驱动程序 This application note gives an example for microcontroller C code. It includes code for: • Readout of Humidity (RH) or Temperature (T) from SHTxx with basic error ha • Calculation of RH linearization and temperature compensa
- cryengine3 Simply extract the "CryGame.dll" from the .zip file below and put it in your Bin32 directory. Make a backup of the original file first, before overwriting it! -Hey guys, I managed to skip the CryDev login process with a little co
- The C++ language allows you to create a class inside of another. This technique is referred to as nesting. At the time of this writing, nesting a class B inside of a class A doesn t give any access privilege of class A member variables and methods to
- leted? The 1 source is too simple 2 is not a source 3 missing file 4 the selected categories and the development environment. 5 scribbled notes or instructions are not serious enough 6 compressed files password 7 source duplicate or alr
- CSerialPort是一个很好的串口通讯类,但它没有关闭串口的方法,如果对这个类的实现原理不了解,自行编写串口关闭方法可能会带来如下问题: 1、用closehandle方法关闭串口:由于调用类方法StartMonitoring后会生成一个串口通信线程,这个线程中要不停地访问串口,这种方法会带来明显的错误。 2、先用StopMonitoring方法停止串口监听,然后用closehandle关闭串口:由于StopMonitoring只是将进程挂起,这样做将使程序结束时解构函
- I often deploy ASP.NET websites to servers that I don t control. In these situations, I can t get to the underlying file system to do any file maintenance, because I don t have direct access to the server. So I have to access the file system indirect
- java多线程处理list,总有线程一直阻塞。直到好久才能获取到处理资源。(Java multithreaded processing, list, there are always threads have been blocked. It won't be long before you get access to processing resources.)
- Asp+access to develop the registration system source code. The system automatically identifies directories and does not need to do any settings Please run it under IIS, and don't use simple debugging tools