- Instruction for repair 7DB82C: 1. Format SD on fat16 and put to SD: (EBOOT82c.nb0, nboot82c.bin, xip82c.nb0) 2. Insert SD into PNA and reset it. 3. When PNA say pmp eror bla bla bla, you format SD and pun on it this files: (appUpdate.exe, jt
- dnw wince716 1. Run “DNW.exe” on PC and “Communication” -> “Option” to choose proper communication parameters, then “Serial” ->“Connect”. 2. Applying power to MT688. 3. System will run and message will show in DNW windows. 4. Pressing “sp
- 华阳导航盒 升级文件 升级以后可以支持 4G以上地图卡(3110B EBOOT.NB0 NK.BIN)
- Always frustrated to manually perform these 3 steps Quote: 1) viewbin.exe nk.bin => write down START and LENGTH 2) cvrtbin -r -a START -w 32 -l LENGTH nk.bin 3) dumprom.exe -d dump -v -5 nk.nb0 needed to dump a NK.BIN? You can get helped