- We present a particle filter construction for a system that exhibits time-scale separation. The separation of time-scales allows two simplifications that we exploit: i) The use of the averaging principle for the dimensional reduction of the sys
- 一个包含计算最大似然熵、条件熵、修正条件熵、粗粒度熵率的C++程序,包含程序有cce: computation of conditional and corrected conditional;cer: computation of coarse-grained entropy rates;apen: computation of approximate etropy。非常经典,enjoy it!
- 粗差探测计算函数:在平面控制网设计中,粗茶探测时一个非常重要的组成部分,本源代码用C#给出了详细过程。,Calculation of gross error detection functions: in the plane control design, the coarse tea, when detecting a very important part of source code using C# gives a detailed process.
- 键盘钩子的例子,一个是可执行程序,一个是dll,比较粗糙,大家可以-Keyboard hooks example, one is executable programs, one dll, relatively coarse, we can
- 粗程序用c语言实现了维吉尼亚密码的加密算法-Procedures used coarse language to achieve the Virginia c password encryption algorithm
- this is related to localization of wireless sensor network related to coarse grained problem in tiny node thats operated leimited battry resourses-this is related to localization of wireless sensor network related to coarse grained problem in tiny no
- This a JPEG encoding & decoding program of still image. It does not use level shifting. Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) is performed both by classical & Chen s Flowgraph methods. Predefined JPEG quantization array & zigzag order are used here. RUN -
- 实验了C++中内粗字节对齐的功能, 使用vC++的编译器。请大家指教-Experiment the C++, within the coarse-byte alignment features
- gps发射的c/a粗捕获码 生成结果正确!-gps fired c/a coarse to capture code generation result is correct!
- 水胶比 欢迎界面,粗骨料运行时菜单,粗骨料密度设定.-Water-cement ratio welcome screen, run-time menu of coarse aggregate, coarse aggregate density setting.
- raw開檔 blockmode編碼及解碼 新增另外兩種編碼方法(coarse quantization of vectopr and principle of locality) 判斷方式:MAD MSD PDC-Open file blockmode raw encoding and decoding add the other two coding methods (coarse quantization of vectopr and principle of locality) to de
- 经典遗传算法利用单一种群对种群个体进行交叉、变异和选择操作,在进化过程中的超级个体易产生过早收敛现象,粗粒度并行遗传算法利用多个子种群进行进化计算,各子群体分别独立进行遗传操作,相互交换最优个体后继续进化。该文证明了该算法的搜索过程是一个有限时齐遍历马尔柯夫链,给出粗粒度并行遗传算法全局最优收敛性证明。对于旅行商问题TSP利用粗粒度并行遗传算法进行了求解,以解决经典遗传算法的收敛到局部最优值问题。仿真结果表明,算法的收敛性能优于经典遗传算法。-Classic genetic algorithm
- 根据一片点云经过旋转变换,生成另一片点云,求出曲率,实现两片点云的粗配准。-Through the rotation transform a point cloud generated another piece of point cloud obtained curvature coarse registration of two point clouds.
- 禁忌搜索算法 解决TSP旅行商问题,写出了两个精度,一个是粗精度搜索,一个是细精度搜索。-Tabu search algorithm to solve TSP traveling salesman problem, wrote two precision, a coarse precision search, a search is fine precision.
- matlab基于灰色理论的去除粗大误差的代码-remove coarse error matlab code based on gray theory
- 利用GPU加速的SIFT算法,实现影像匹配,并利用RANSAC进行粗差的剔除-GPU-accelerated use SIFT algorithm to achieve image matching, and use RANSAC removing coarse poor
- 该方法实现了一种实时的由粗到细的超像素分割,是cvpr2015的一篇paper,该方法的效果非日常的好。指得大家学习和借鉴。-In this paper, we tackle the problem of unsupervised segmentation in the form of superpixels. Our main emphasis is on speed and accuracy. We build on [31] to define the problem as a bou
- 室内定位数据的预处理,残差去粗,去除异常数据,3sig准则和格罗布准则 -Indoor positioning data preprocessing, residual to coarse, remove abnormal data, 3 sig and rob the standards
- This software takes as input a polygon mesh and produces a copy of the input where all the occurrences of a specific set of defects are corrected. MeshFix has been designed to correct typical flaws present in RAW DIGITIZED mesh models, thus it might
- 用户可以通过各分频器改变一路时钟输出相对于其它时钟输出的相位,这种相位选择功能可用于时序粗调。(The user can change the clock all the way through the frequency divider output relative to other clock output phase, the phase selection function can be used for timing coarse adjustment.)