- Writing Bug-Free C Code: This book describes an alternate class methodology that provides complete data hiding and fault-tolerant run-time type checking of objects in C programs. With it, you will produce code that contains fewer bugs.
- VC++检测移动存储设备并加解密作安全设置源码实例,本源代码 就是一个与此相关的例子,对U盘数据加密,保护信息隐蔽,防止隐私泄露。本程序在运行时首先检测本地计算机的移动设备是否存在,然后选择移动设备,实现加密。 -VC++ to detect mobile storage device and encryption and decryption source code examples for security settings, origin code is a related examp
- steganography source code which is written by C language.
- some useful matlab code for data hiding for example psnrcompare wavelet transform arnold transform and -some useful matlab code for data hiding for example psnrcompare wavelet transform arnold transform and ...
- Advances in formation technology have gradually changed people’s lives and lifestyles in recent years. The Internet provides a convenient environment for users to exchange secret data or communicate with one another regardless of their physical locat
- data hiding using color image
- excel表中个别行或列隐藏或进行数据筛选后,复制粘贴不能实现可见单元格粘贴,本程序可实现此功能,运行此代码按提示操作即可。 excel表中,有合并的单元拆分后,只有第一个单元格记录合并前数据,智能合并拆分单元格程序则可以实现拆分后所有单元格数据均为拆分前的数据。本程序还可实现同一区域内所有数据相同且相邻的数据一次性分别合并居中。(After hiding or filtering data in Excel table, copy and paste can not realize visib