- TDBF is a native data access component for Delphi, BCB, Kylix, FreePascal. It allows you to create very compact database programs which don t need any special installer programs. The DB engine code is compiled right into your executable
- Qemu Manager v5.0 (c) 2008 D.T.Reynolds The source code was compiled with Borland Delphi 7 Before you can compile the code you will need to install the following component libraries. This program contains the TDBF package, Relea
- 自己常用的两个小工具的Delphi源码 1.超级短小的屏保启动程序 sss(ScreenSaverStarter) 如果要离开电脑一会并希望立即启动屏保,执行这个小程序即可。就一个非常小的 .dpr, 适合Delphi任何版本。 2.系统搜索路径设置程序 ZRPath 自家用的一个小小工具,可以方便地修改系统搜索路径,即时生效。 如果你是Delphi程序员,发布带运行包的程序时,你还可以用这个小小工具帮你暂时屏蔽 Delphi7.0/6.0 运行环
- The main objective of JCL release 1.94 is to provide basic support for Delphi 2005/Win32. For Delphi 2005, integrated Online Help and installer access to the Object Repository are not yet available. -The main objective of JCL release 1.94 is to pro
- Installer for AVAIA Conector (clients) for Delphi component
- 解压后,有一个Installer文件夹,里面有EhLibInstaller.exe,双击后,选择你当前使用的DELPHI版本,然后点击nstall按钮,DELPHI7测试通过 安装结束后,可以在安装目录下面的X:\Borland\Delphi7\Components\EhLib查看适合你版本的文件 进入DELPHI在面板栏多出一个EhLib,说明安装成完成了。 补充说明: 1、WINDOWS7/WINDOWS8必须以管理员身份运行EhLibInstaller.exe 2、64位系统安装后启动DE
- Windows Installer custom action type 1 sample written in Delphi.
- 文件DBF,各种版本dbf dbase foXpor,连接 ,创建 , 插入,导出,很不错的控件控件,demo(TDBF is a native dBASE III+, dBase IV and dBase 2k data access component for Delphi, BCB, Kylix, FreePascal. It allows you to create very compact database programs which don't need any speci