- 计算两个离散时间序列变量间的信息熵和互信息,Calculation of two discrete time series between the variable information entropy and mutual information
- 信息论基础 离散信源的无错编码讲义 4.1 信源编码概述 4.2 无记忆信源的渐近等同分割性 与定长编码定理 4.3 离散无记忆信源的变长编码 4.4 离散平稳信源及其编码定理 4.5 马尔可夫信源的信息熵及 -Information theory-based discrete source of the error-free coding notes 4.1 Overview 4.2 Source Coding of the asymptotic memor
- 256级灰度图像信息熵MATLAB代码,图像像素是离散的-256 grayscale image information entropy MATLAB code, image pixels is discrete
- 基于负熵最大的独立分量分析,线性调频脉冲压缩的Matlab程序,关于非线性离散系统辨识。- Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis, LFM pulse compression of the Matlab program, Nonlinear discrete system identification.
GMT 0005-2012 随机性检测规范PDF
- 国密随机数规范,用于国密局随机数检测,按照规范开发(GM 0005 doc [01] Frequency [02] Block Frequency [03] Cumulative Sums [04] Runs [05] Longest Run of Ones [06] Rank [07] Discrete Fourier Transform [08] Nonp