- Edmonds算法,寻找网络最大流 算法流程: 在残余网络中, 通过广搜找到一条增广路 找出增广路上的最小权值的边 更新残余网络 直到找不到增广路为止 // 统计当前网络中汇点的流-Edmonds algorithm to find the maximum network flow algorithm process: in the residual network, through extensive search to find an augmenting path
- SAP算法:求最大流有一种经典的算法,就是每次找增广路时用BFS找,保证找到的增广路是弧数最少的,也就是所谓的Edmonds-Karp算法。- SAP algorithm for the maximum flow is a classical algorithm, is each for augmenting path with BFS can guarantee the augmented way to find the minimum number of arcs, which i