- Delphi DirectX9, control joystick with directXinput and force feed back
- To give feed back and managing ebooks and such data online. E-Repository system
- Visual Basic DirectX9, control joystick with directXinput and force feed back
- foce feed back driver
- Title: NOKIA SMS Messenger v1.0 Descr iption: Send an SMS message your Desktop using NOKIA Handset connected via DAU-9P(FBUS) cable. This module lets you to send Flash SMS, Blinking SMS & Normal SMS. For Blinking SMS in the text area add | (Shift \
- The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for neural network programs. Perceptron LMS Feed Forward Back Propagation Character Recognition The source code and files included in this project are listed in the proj
- 单相逆变并网电路的主电路与控制电路的 simulink 拓扑结构图, 主电路由直流源、 mosfet 全桥、 LC 无源滤波器、 负载 R1、 R2 组成, 其中 R1 为 恒定负载, R2 为仿真负载突变并入的。 控制电路为 SPWM 闭环调制, 通过检测输出端的电压有效值通过 PI 控制器反 馈回控制端使输出电压尽可能为一个优质的正弦波且有效值在 220V 左右, 频率 为 50Hz, 根据相关准则输出电压波形 THD 应在 5%以内。(The Simulink topology